@tibermoon I have been playing it as well, and I LOVE IT so far. Really happy for @larianstudios on what they have so far.
This fly is on his head A REALLY LONG TIME.
@b00sterAu it's not a party until someone from marketing or PR puts me on the list for the month.
@BioMarkDarrah No: way. The No-waykening.
I have a job where I can, on occasion, get goosebumps when seeing something come together for the first time. I am so lucky.
@JoeBiden: Ignore the polls, folks. There’s too much at stake for us to get complacent.
Vote: Donate: https://t…
@Twitch: Purple leader, standing by.
@game_fabricator @AnthemYour Good Vibes Only. You and your team are great, never doubt it.
@Swami_EA I always knew you had it in you Swami! Congrats on another launch under your belt.
I saw Van Halen when I was 13, seeing Eddie on stage, bigger than life, making that guitar do things I had never dreamt of before... it made my life bigger somehow. Looking back on it, he was just 23 and already striding the earth like a hero. RIP Eddie Van Halen #VanHalen
@BlessiousPlays Dude the game is so so good already.
@BridgeTheMan Oooh what is this??
@steinekin Frisk can be my wingman anytime.
Who is your favorite #StarWarsSquadrons character and why is it Frisk?
@EAHelp: The team is currently working to fix an issue in #StarWarsSquadrons where campaign medals aren't being saved after completion f…
@AnthemYour @alex_frostwolf Ha. I don't think I'm eligible to win. Good luck to you though!
@Braddock512 OMG YUMMMM
@StayBombastic: Hello there 👋
@BokaLaBoca: The helmet stays on. #StarWarsSquadrons