@corybarlog amazing news
Same Artist.
Same Artist https://t.co/HTf7Ssd7kr
@Addison_ATL Thanks for the feedback!
@swtorista Thank you for your honest thoughts on the game! It's been a pleasure adding you to the EA Game Changer program.
@UNTDrew: For those of you jumping into the c*ckpit of your starfighters this week in #StarWarsSquadrons, we have some very helpful tips…
@EAStarWars: We're glad to see that so many of you are enjoying #StarWarsSquadrons! What is your favorite ship class so far?
@ChrisErb I remember this!
@EAStarWars: We are aware of the EA Play issue that certain players are seeing for #StarWarsSquadrons on the Xbox store. Microsoft is ac…
@SGTMadDog117 That works too!
@GamingEthos It should be the same process as on a controller. Whatever your button assignments on KB+M is set to.
@GamingEthos I will have to ask!
Definitely going to be utilizing this pro tip. 👍
Pro tip: Got someone on your tail and can’t shake ‘em? Target your attacker (double tap A on an xbox controller) and ping them (tap Y) so your wingmates know you need help. With a little practice you can quickly do this while staying focused on your own prey. https://t.co/lEe45Cxc3b
@EAHelp: Hey pilots, The team is aware that some players have encountered issues with Fleet Battles' placement matches and ranked progre…
@vanhoozerbot Congrats!
@ehlien Billy! This is off to a great start! I’m begging you, do old school Drax the Destroyer and the Silver Surfer
This! Be kind people, always but especially now.
What the fuck, people? Please, don't...don't do this. Bryan is a good person. The entire Insomniac team is filled with hard working, great fucking people. This is not the way. We should be better to the people who make the things we love. ❤️ https://t.co/0fOUF8i6zz
@DerZeitgeist This does not include any changes to HOTAS controls, but the team is aware and investigating.
Small update today, pilots. Thanks for all your continued feedback on #StarWarsSquadrons.
While we are investigating the reports received on various issues for #StarWarsSquadrons, we are deploying a small PC patch to improve overall stability in the game when launching in VR.
Have a great weekend all!! :)
@Oh_Gaz @McLarenF1 I cannot wait to see it!