
Anthem Dev Tracker

02 Mar


Originally posted by scooby_jew3183

I had no idea this is where people brown nose devs and you aren't allowed to voice concerns over the game. My bad for wishing the people in charge would hear my legit complaints. What a dummy I must be. That legendary item looks sweet. Sure wish 102 hours of grandmaster 1 & 2 play would let a player get something sweet like that. Crazy I watch the streams of gamechangers players and they seem to get them all the time. Good stuff

You are free to voice all of your concerns. Everyone is.


Originally posted by d0peinc

Any info on a guide for all the stats and icons and what they are doing ? Thank you Ben

Yes. We will post this next week.


Originally posted by wampastompah

...Is that common? I've never heard of a system like that.

It's common during cinematics mostly - it's a means for the keyframes from the cinematic timelines to ensure sync (sample rates are more granular and you notice if dialogue is off AT ALL - human brains are amazing :))




Originally posted by Nullifics

Hmmm I dont want to be a pest but /u/BioCamden can you guys run the numbers on your side to confirm Ranger is actually getting 4x combo damage currently?

Yeah we can take a look.


Originally posted by Mephanic

Does this mean that primer "stacks" between different primers and Javelins applied to the same enemy get added up? If say Colossus applies Flamethrower for X stacks of fire primer and Ranger throws an Inferno Grenade for Y stacks of primer, does the target now have X+Y stacks?

This would be very relevant for enemies that are very hard to prime, e.g. Stronghold bosses - a coordinated squad could choose primers of all the same element to facilitate combos on the boss more often.

Yes all priming effects from any javelin contribute towards the threshold of whether or not the enemy receives the status effect as long as it’s the same type. So if one Ranger can’t apply Ice, two can potentially if they both contribute with Frost grenade within a short enough window for the stacks to not fall off the creature.