Hey just to help clarify one point. The ability to prime a target is separate from damage. The you can usually see the stat in s separate line in the item’s UI in the forge. For example Venom Spray in the Interceptor is high damage and a base primer value of 15, while Acid Bomb damage is low but a high primer value of 60. Meaning that whole both can prime a target, Acid Bomb does it 4x more effectively.
These effects add that many stacks to a creature and different creatures have different primer thresholds. For example 15 Acid may prime a footman. But it won’t prime a Legendary Scar Heavy, while 60 probably will.
As for the combo discussion I think this is great feedback in an excellent format. I think a scaling problem right now is how we are scaling melee, ultimates, combos, and status effect damage. This should scale better so those are still useful in GM1+.
You are right about the Combo Text vs Combo Numbers. I’ll take that feedback to the team. Also ...
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