I am having a lot of trouble enjoying the new limited time mode. It just feels like regular Apex, except if you die in the first round you can't respawn and enjoy the game for 5 minutes. I think the game mode would be a lot more interesting and different from the regular game if they made a few changes:
Instant death - If they removed the downing feature in this mode, it would increase the chance of death and hence respawn, and reduce the amount of time wasted while downed. I have had multiple games where I have had a teammate who is down, in an unsafe area to res, and needs to die in order to be re-spawned by ring in time, and then doesn't respawn because hes still technically downed. Instant death would change this.
Special Respawn Beacons - There could possibly be special beacons that respawn you with legendary weapons or a full kit, not perfect, but worth considering since this mode is so dull.
Unlimited res points - Another way to spice up this mode would be to make all the res points unlimited so you could just repsawn as many times as you wanted.
Again, these are not perfect ideas I just think this mode is super boring and would love to see it changed to be interesting before its over.
Would love input.
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