11 months ago - EA_Illium - Direct link

Hi @14Wanheda 


If you do come across anyone who may potentially be breaking our rules, be sure to report them using our Help Article:


Report players for cheating, abuse, and harassment


From there they will look into the report and take the appropriate action if needed.


Please Note, We are unable to assist with reports of players who may be breaking our fair play rules here on Answers HQ. Please see our Forum Rules & Guidelines. 


Thanks for reporting!


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11 months ago - EA_Mako - Direct link

Sorry you had to be subjected to that when you were just trying to play, @14Wanheda.


That type of language is absolutely unacceptable to us as well, and we do take action when it's brought to our attention.


If you didn't get a chance to report in-game, please feel free to check out the great info @EA_Illium provided as you're able to send a report after the fact as well.


Hopefully the rest of your games today will be a bit smoother and you'll run into the friendlier side of the community as well.
