Void Theft Artist: Bram Sels (@bram_sels)
Vanessa Artist: Jana Schirmer (@janaschi)
Quicksap Sproutling Artist: Anna Pavleeva
Toss Artist: Forrest Imel (@forrestimel)
Tiny Artist: Forrest Imel (@forrestimel)
New blog post is up! State of the Beta - where we are, our roadmap, and some new card art.
Patch Notes
Item Review Part 2
Patch Notes!
Go Go Green Survey!
Rate the red heroes!
Patch notes.
Heroes - Let's talk about that!
New wave of invites are out. Have fun!
New Patch and Wave 3.
We are still working on connectivity issues which have prevented people in some regions from playing.
Unfortunately this means the next wave of invites won't happen until Monday. Thank you for your patience!
New patch is live and more invites are sent. Expect future invites to happen more sporadically.
Have fun!
We are pushing a potential fix for the disconnect issues. This should help player in Russia and Europe which are having trouble starting games.
Invites are out!