This week's update will be on Thursday.
@retsopuk We hear you.
@MS10EL Yup. Default settings: you have to opt-in to see custom messages, but can see the prefab lines. If you opt-in to custom messages it lasts the rest of that game. You can click an X on any opponent line to mute, which mutes your opponent for the rest of the game.
There's more, but we'll leave the details for the update. We also plan for another update next week (then a break over Christmas). Then more work next month. We're in this for the long haul.
Another feature this week: color blind accessibility options. We've added optional suit icons to all colored cards. We've also added a color blind saturation setting to help make green and red easier to distinguish. This impacts cards, the HUD, and the deck builder.
Update coming this week. One feature is chat. Possess your cards and make them speak, send custom messages, or invite your opponent to a traditional Steam Chat. Make your heroes say voice lines. One click opt-in to custom messages from non-friends. One click blocking.
The finals of the @WePlayEsport Mighty Triad: Strength tournament are airing now on SteamTV! @Hyped_Af vs @Hoej_Hs for $10,000!
@DrawTwoGG: If you're ready to jump into constructed but are on a tight budget, this article is just for you!
@ajpotato214 @DOTA2 Every game of Dota is the last battle at the end of time. Games of Artifact are recreations of historical events — out of which come insights into preventing or overcoming that last battle.
6,056,282 cards have been traded on the Steam Market since launch!
Some discussion of the social and tournament features in Artifact. Did you know there's no time limit on a tournament? You can set one up and run it like a league, where you advance the series every few days and everyone plays matches at their own pace.
@StrifeCro: I stole this guys minion with helm of the dominator and buffed it with 100+g lol
We're now hosting the @WEPlayEsport event at . This tournament has been amazing so far and is well worth your time.
Learn how Kanna was designed and painted by Scott M Fischer.
IGN: "A challenging, deep, and surprisingly approachable card game."
Artifact is now live!
We has a trailer.
Ok, ok, ok, we got that problem sorted out. The market is now actually factually live for commons and uncommons.
@shatterfront Hang on, we forgot to turn on of the knobs...
The market is now live for commons and uncommons!