The Artifact Beta 2.0 signup page is live.
Everyone is welcome to sign up, but players of the original version will be given priority. If you were expecting an email from us but didn't get it for any reason the link above will still work for you.
Update plan.
Items, and the heroes who wield them.
Itemized Item Thoughts.
Who would you choose?
Looking under the hood.
Take a deep breath!
Things to Look forward to.
@Noxville @SirActionSlacks Slacks, are you distributing homemade keys again? You know those don't work...
What's the Plan?
Artifact: Under Construction
Towards A Better Artifact
The Artifact Card Buyback period is now open and will last until January 4th, 2019. You can read the details here.
Update incoming! Skill ratings, leveling, and card balance changes.
Update is live!
About to push Artifact 1.1 and we just passed 8.2 million matches played since launch! (6 million of those are gauntlet matches.) Of total hours spent, 53.2% are in draft and the rest in constructed. The median player has played for 9 hours and 83% have played some form of PvP.
@VPesports: With @WePlayEsport announcing the details for Mighty Triad: Agility, which is the second leg of their three-parts #Artifact…
There was a Reddit panic about an exploit that allowed purchasing packs at a discounted rate. The exploit was quickly fixed and only about $2500 in card value entered the economy this way - a negligible amount relative to the market size and hourly volume.
In advance of Thursday’s update we’re changing the gauntlet rotation date that displays in the client. This is just a weird side effect of this week’s update and doesn’t mean anything else.
@HarrisFoster We'll talk to the team.