almost 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

Do you have a burning question that you would love to ask our Creative Director, @StevenSharif? Now is your chance! We'll be conducting an AMA on r/MMORPG this week, with the live answers streamed on June 13 from 11AM - 12PM Pacific.

Ask your question in the AMA thread here!
Watch the stream live on June 13 here!

Did you miss the MMORPG subreddit AMA live stream featuring our Creative Director? You can catch up on the AMA at the link below!
almost 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Heya friends! Please make sure to visit the reddit thread directly and ask your questions there, as all questions are being pulled from that thread and not here on the forums!


I will make a note, at this point: unlike the monthly Q&A's, this thread does not limit us to 1 question, each. If that's the intention, an edit should be made to the OP!

The pinned post in the reddit thread where submissions are being accepted clears this up for you!

over 3 years ago - MargaretKrohn - Direct link
Did you miss yesterday’s MMORPG subreddit AMA featuring our Creative Director, Steven Sharif? You can catch up on the AMA at the link below!

📺👇 Watch now!

(Updated OP as well)