Marvel's Avengers

Marvel's Avengers Dev Tracker

16 Oct


Also, in case you didn't see @CD_StrumSlinger's note, I love jumping on Reddit when I have time, but I mostly work behind the scenes on community planning/patch notes/blogs and so on. He and another rad person on my team are the ones you'll interact with most the time. Don't want anyone to think I'm ignoring them!

Hello all! I wanted to pop in and drop a link to our State of the Game update. This blog has been in the works for a couple of weeks, as we wanted to ensure it hit all major topics of interest to our community, including:

  • WIP Feedback-driven features
  • Updates on four key areas of impact: Performance & Stability, Multiplayer/Matchmaking, Rewards, and Late-Game content
  • An update on future Marvel’s Avengers content
  • And - a thank-you bundle full of goodies for being with us at the start of this journey!

Because seriously? You’re the best. <3

External link →

15 Oct


Hey! We're still working on this and the team is actively tracking it.


Thanks, all! A lot of this is because of all the feedback everyone has given us. More to come. We're always improving the game. :)


Originally posted by smoovestacks

Any word on BW exotics not dropping the third perk?

Working on getting an update, i just need to confirm something but its possible the perk is there and the UI is just not showing. Don't quote me on that just yet, i need to get confirmation first.


Guys hold on to those pieces of gear, we are looking into it at the moment. I am hoping to have an update this evening.


Originally posted by j_miyagi

Nice to be heard but as always deeds speak louder than words.

I agree, our goal is to show you guys that we are actively listening and acting on issues being brought up. Personally i am hoping to build a relationship with you guys where you can rely on what i say so we can keep having an open conversation about features. For instance i would love to give clearer deliveries on things we talk about working on. Sometimes these things are happening in the next patch and sometimes they are longer term, i'm working on being able to give you better answers than soon.


Originally posted by j_miyagi

Hope so, massive Marvel fan. Was SERIOUSLY disappointed they weren't there, there are a lot of us out there!!

We heard you guys loud and clear :)


Originally posted by j_miyagi

Are colourblind options in the game yet? I REALLY want to play it but can't currently.

We have news on that shortly.

14 Oct


Originally posted by bridgeguy88

Please consider adding an option to invert horizontal (x-axis) aim/camera. It’s an accessibility feature common to third person games, I just can’t play any other way. Thanks for your time.

I will ask.


Originally posted by Chieferdareefer

Can you please allow us to replay the campaign!

We are looking into it!


Quick note that was missed (now updated) on the patch!

Companion Iron Man and Black Widow now have a boosted priority to attack drones, fliers, and turrets.


Originally posted by OreTiz

Phil - Are you guys aware of the invisible wall during some missions? I have found it mostly during the city villain sectors when taking out the elite team on the steps. Right before the elevator.

We are trying to figure that one out, there's some engineering efforts going on atm.


Originally posted by suavaholic

Maybe you can help me boss. I just made a post linking the new patch notes, but in my game file, when I go to the War Table, I see NOTHING NEW anywhere :/

I do not see the new outpost, this patch mentioned new narratives and characters. I suspected that meant "Take AIM" part 1 with Kate Bishop, but I don't see her or a new story.... anywhere.

I also don't know if you can oblige this for me, but I was seeing that CD was sending out EMAILS with a survey for feedback? May I send you a PM with my own email address? I'd really like to fill that out for you guys. I am also a support of the game and want to see it survive and thrive :)

The new outpost and Tachyon missions will be live tomorrow.


Its a cool idea it just doesn't take priority over bugs but its been requested often and we are considering it. Just want to be honest about it.


Wait until secret lab comes out, it takes very real co-op to complete. I really hope you guys enjoy the challenge from that content. It will absolutely test your collaboration!