Marvel's Avengers

Marvel's Avengers Dev Tracker

14 Oct


Originally posted by Blackwolfe5

That comic says a lot about how out of place those "puzzles" feel. You really gotta replace those with something more sensible in the future :P

Write up your ideas! its something i would love to expand on. I think they are fine as pace breakers though the context could be stronger.


Originally posted by YPM1

It was the right thing. Thank you.

Special Suggestion for future content:

Abomination and Taskmaster randomly hunt the players on normal missions. Small chance to occur, and small chance for loot drop.

Like stalker in Warframe.

early on in production we had a bug that did that and i loved it, honestly its something we still talk about. I would like to do something like in some upcoming content.


Thank you, we remain extremely dedicated to the game and we aren't going anywhere. We really appreciate all the feedback good and the criticism, it really helps us make good calls on what to work on.


Originally posted by RealDealAce

That's awesome. Yeah I saw the patch notes. To see the Guaranteed Exotic from a Mega Hive, and the improvements all around is great. thanks man. Hopefully we will get some more end game stuff we can do more than once a week with friends soon. A lot of us don't like to play Single Player stuff.

We are working on that, the secret lab should give you guys a really good challenge to sink your teeth into and we are also working on more. We did prioritize a lot of bug fixing and QOL though, that was just the right thing to do first.


Going to dig into that one some more, i don't think its related to the patch its just a really hard to track issue.


I got a good laugh out of that, thank you!


Originally posted by RealDealAce

HOLY crap!?!?! That's what an EXOTIC SHOULD look like, at least stat wise.. Man, not only do we get Guaranteed Exotics from Mega Hives, but we also get a chance from the Villain Sectors! That is amazing. I just hope this is legit, and not just a bug drop

It's not a bug, we have been adjusting loot and you shouldn't get exotics dropping with 15 precision anymore either.


Thanks for making that video! i'm sure it will help some people find them more easily.


Originally posted by feudelacour

Now if only we could get some in game indication of what missions have a chance if exotic gear! And if it's a weekly chance then something to show that too.

It would really go a long way to show people what reason there is to do end game content at the moment

We are working on improved mission clarity when it comes to rewards! Not sure of the exact ETA yet, but it's underway!


Originally posted by RadiantViper

Refactored the modifiers Fisticuffs & Torpedo to only buff the player, not enemies.

This sounds like a gamechanger. Also I assume it's supposed to be Clash not Fisticuffs.

XD - good catch! Old dev name that snuck in there. Fixing!

Hi, everyone! Our patch notes are here for V1.3.3, and it has a bunch of fixes and features you've requested in it! Here are some highlights:

  • Remote faction terminals have been added to outposts, which allow collection of faction assignments and villain sector bounties without the need to visit each faction coordinator in person.
  • Extended pickup radius for reward drops.
  • The ability to preview cosmetic vendor items.
  • Option to scale subtitle/closed caption text size.
  • Closed Captions will no longer be automatically display in cinematics when subtitles are displayed.
  • Movement speed increased in outposts when in Avengers Initiative
  • AI companion improvements, including assistance when player needs to be revived.
  • Improved Mega Hive rewards. They now are guaranteed to give two exclusive exotic gear items and an increased amounts of upgrade modules upon completion.
  • Implemented a fix that will retroactively...
Read more External link →

I am almost certain i saw that someone fixed that internally, ill double check but i believe this will be in a patch soon.


Originally posted by BrizzleC

I was doing the Taskmaster takedown in the snow level. This is one of the 2 extra rooms (? as a chest or special enemy) you can go to before taking the elevator, after the big open room fight where the enemies teleport in. There is a large container that gives the prompt to zipline to it if you look up at it, but if you contine to look right slowly, the prompt will sort of continue onto nothing. Pressing X and ziplining to it results in this.

The container I'm talking about is the thing on the left side of the picture.

Thank you, well get someone to look into this.

13 Oct


If you don't mind me asking, where were you when this happened? Just the mission and general area is good enough.

Thank you for bringing it to our attention!


Sorry this happened to you :(. We've been working on a fix for this.


There are plans for Cerise but not of the supervillain variety. Nothing earth shattering but the team is working on something!

12 Oct


Originally posted by Hotdog0713

I was mostly being sarcastic, I dont really play through the whole mission like this. It is probably the hardest modifier but I've managed my through everything so far. I do appreciate the reply though! Thanks for the game, I've been having a blast with it!

Haha, well if you did I'd understand! Torpedo can get real scary. :D