"I think we should KS Palpatine"
That was a ride.
"I think we should KS Palpatine"
That was a ride.
Whos your favorite bad batch character. I like Tech
The baby Rancor.
Congrats on the max!
So if the game was never cut, could we have gotten 1st person for reinforcements one day?
Could have got so many things, but we all know that. Is something I think about whenever consuming any Star Wars content these days. We even had 1-2 appearances that didn't quite make it into the last update.
Skyrim is not a licensed product. That said, don't take something not being in the game as the team not wanting it. Quite a lot of the time dev teams want the same as players do, because they are players themselves.
The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
Realities of development. Making it both 1st/3rd person would increase the time to make a Reinforcement due to all the extra steps that will need to go in, think Animation etc. It's not that the team didn't want to do it, or lazy as someone I'm sure will say.
I'm simplifying greatly, but for argument's sake let's say you could end up with one of the three situations below:
As always, Game Development is a series of decisions and having to say yes to some thing, no to others. Even if you'd like nothing more than to say yes to everything.
Love this!!
u/F8RGE who’s your favorite hero?
More a reinforcement kind of person. Do love Maul though.
My favourite ship. Great shot /u/roguesith_
i dont play a whole lot so i havent gotten any OT matches but seriously? have they ever acknowledged this? why havent they tried to implement it before they stopped updating the game?
There were a few things that we would have liked to have done, that we couldn't. The team threw everything at the last couple of updates, but there's always only so much you can do. Time and Game Dev don't often play nice.
I hope their controller batteries run out every time they get comfortable on the sofa.
I hope the rough day has passed. Be well.
Imagining pizza delivery guy shedding some tears in the cinema gets me so emotional right now…
This game will always have a special place in my heart. I enjoyed so many hours of it, especially in 2018 and 2019. I remember one CT drop (don’t know which anymore) you promised and couldn’t deliver because of missing approval. You stayed up till past midnight waiting for it. I don’t remember if you released it at night or the next day, but you postet updates about the situation the whole time. I think that was as frustrating for you as it was for us.
Any CT that didn't go live around 5pm Stockholm time likely had a story behind it. Excluding events etc
Yes I finished high school. Currently in college now
Not u/Youngling_Hunt but I did the same thing in my first year of high school. BF2 was my favorite game during that time, really helped relieve stress from school and robotics. Now I’m set to graduate high school in late May.
Thank you for all the work you and the rest of ragtag group of rebels did on this game.
A future droid builder in our presence I see!
Great to hear, and thanks for being a part of it :)
Dude I read every single one while I was in high school classes. I would spend an entire class just chatting with the community.
I still vividly remember how baffled I was reading BB-8 and BB-9E as the heroes coming for the age of resistance/FO. I swore it was a joke, and thought they would suck
Flash forward to today, and BB-8 is my highest leveled hero (Maul is my highest villain)
Please tell me you still finished school :x
I still remember being called over by one of our Producers to give an early version of this watch. Sat in front of the monitor, headphones on watching intently. It finished and I think the only thing I said was "that was a bit emotional", before hitting the restart button and instantly watching again.
We knew it was going to be our goodbye in some ways, it was a very bittersweet moment.
Then as a studio we went to the cinema to watch Episode IX, they played the trailer before the film started. A fair few members of the Star Wars team certainly had a tear or two at that time.
There are so many stories from the time on the project, of heartbreak, happiness, friendship and hope. The Clone Wars announce at EA Play, embracing our difficult times, acknowledging them and watching what was originally very tough turn into fun memes. I hope one day there's a good forum to talk and share more.
Rest assured that the small team of Rebels working on the game was j...
Read moreMaintenance for Star Wars Battlefront II has now concluded.
This time around we have tackled gameplay disrupting exploits and restored Starfighter Assault back to normality.
As always,
Thank you all for remaining passionate about Star Wars Battlefront II!
Stay Safe & MTFBWY 🧡
Thanks for the heads up. Can you detail what will be fixed during this maintenance or you are intentionally not sharing too much information (in order to not exploit them)?
Correct, whenever it comes to resolving exploits - we would rarely talk about them as it would only encourage further use of them.
Know however that these have been frequently remarked upon in previous weeks and months.
You can also expect a resolution for the Starfighter Assault ticket issue that we saw last week.
Maintenance for Star Wars Battlefront II is now underway, a reminder that it may take some time for these additional fixes to deploy across all servers.
Thank you again, for your patience!