Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 Dev Tracker

06 Dec

    EA_Darko on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @justabad when posting on AHQ please do so in a polite and constructive manner.

Further threads like this will result in action being taken as while we welcome feedback, we ask that it be in a polite and constructive manner.



05 Dec


Hi, @Excobi 


I'm afraid we can't review reports from AHQ.


If you believe someone isn't playing by the rules, please report them so the team can investigate it.


"You can report players through the Squad and Players list or through the Social screen in-game.


You can also Block players if you no longer want to be in Squads with them, or to see them in text chat, or hear them in voice chat.



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04 Dec


To kick things of, I'm not disagreeing on the fact that mouse aiming may have issues right now. We have eyes on it and we're actively investigating what can be wrong and how we improve this amongst other input related issues.


However, I was curious about what Silk showed in this video and gave this software (Mouse Movement Recorder) a go to better understand what information it actually gives and I think the testing isn't really showing anything that can prove any issue sadly. It doesn't show a problem at least for mouse input acceleration because it can't really clearly show that clearly in FPS games.


From testing, having both green and red is perfectly normal for FPS games or any shooters and games where the program needs to lock the pointer to screen center. This is actually what the green & red mean here, they indicate that the pointer is being re-positioned on positive or negative axis which you will find in any shooter games most likely.

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Originally posted by sterrre

u/T0TALfps could you share this with the people who fix bugs? I think I found the cause for a bug that makes players invisible.

I think sometimes if you spawn on a vehicle and all the seats fill up while deploying it'll spawn the player invisible outside of the vehicle.


This should be fixed once we deploy our next update, Update 3.1 :)

Thanks for reaching out,

03 Dec

02 Dec

01 Dec