Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 Dev Tracker

27 Jun


Hey u/HipMicrobe39293 - You may be able to cancel your Xbox One preorder (and this is me guessing) if you've preordered it via the Microsoft store. You can run through the steps listed here and then you can go ahead and preorder the correct version for yourself.

Just a general reminder that the Gold and Ultimate Editions of Battlefield 2042 will come with a cross-gen bundle, meaning dependin...

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Just wanted to pop in here and say - the comments in this thread show so much maturity and respect towards each other, it's really good to see the community welcoming towards new players showing interest in the franchise for the first time.

There's going to be a lot of them in due time, and we need to be warm and welcoming if the community is to grow - so to all those that have taken the time to help someone into the groove of things - kudos to you.

Enjoy your week ahead!


Originally posted by RoutineSmile8185

As long as there isn’t slide spam and jump spam it’ll be awesome

Two topics that we are very aware of :)


Originally posted by tdkr21104

I honestly think the getting stuck thing is almost more of a map design flaw than a movement system issue

It's both. The engineers need to accept that levels aren't 100% smooth and the level designers/artists need to remember that the code can't cover for all rough edges. It's a balancing act between visual fidelity and smooth traversal. I think we were in a good spot with BFV so we just need to be cautious about potential problematic areas.

26 Jun



These are great questions to ask. We don't have any official details to share right now, we'll pass along this thread to the team so they're aware of these concerns. 


Originally posted by sterrre

Most important question, will there be a secret mountain goat in bf2042?

One can only dream...


Originally posted by GodBlessThosePagans

Going back to BF4 has made me realize how good the movement system in BFV is. It's not perfect but hope they don't go back to 2013 movement style.

We're definitely building on the work that we did for BFV, keeping the feedback on those mechanics in mind while we added/improved the feature set.

25 Jun


Originally posted by sterrre

u/lytlb1t when you are allowed to talk about it we'd love to hear how movement is changing in 2042 maybe in July?

Will jumps now be commit in that you can't change your movement? What will be the downsides to sliding? How dynamic is sliding going to be?

I won't be able to talk about any details at the moment, but I can say that it's still the same people working on movement as during BFV, including u/DRUNKKZ3 and myself as well as our great animators. Looking forward to the moment when we can start discussing the systems again on the socials :)


Originally posted by wastelander75

Hope you have a great day.

Right back atcha! 🙏🙏


With the clustering of Conquest, and how it is more vital to control several control points within a single cluster - I would say that it is more vital to work with your team and strategize how you're going to tackle things.

Conquest is much more about territorial control, rather than running around in a circle that may have been a thing happening in previous games. Lot's of ways to tackle things on the Battlefield, and routes you can take to achieve that. It's your playground though, it's up to the playerbase to define that, we just provide the framework! :)

24 Jun


Originally posted by Sno_Jon

You know I had to.

As you wish, so... Can we strap c4 to the penguins?

As you wish, so... Can we strap c4 to the penguins?

I feel like we're going backwards here.

23 Jun


Really provided a sense of pride and accomplishment.

You just had to go and say it, didn't you? 😅😅
Let's focus on penguins, LOOK, PENGUINS!


The Gold or Ultimate Edition of Battlefield 2042 will come with a Cross-Gen bundle attached, meaning that if at some point you're playing on your Xbox One and decide to move onto Xbox Series X or S, you can do so and have Battlefield 2042 waiting for you on that generational switch.

The same goes for PlayStation users, if you're playing on a PlayStation 4 and decide to upgrade to a PlayStation 5 - the game will be there for you too via a Gold or Ultimate Edition version of Battlefield 2042.

Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will be optimized for a 64-player experience, whilst the current-gen platforms (Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PlayStation 5, and PC) will support 128 players per match.


Originally posted by Ecthelion325

Battlefield Briefing when?



Hey folks, just want to set some expectations here as I'm unsure where this weekly thing is coming from (not the first time I've seen it!) - Battlefield Briefings are not a weekly format talk show or blog post/briefing.

They have no specific timeframes associated with them, but we are wholly appreciative that people wish to learn more about the game and we look forward to doing that in the coming weeks and months!

Love the passion and spark y'all are sending us around Battlefield 2042, stay tuned.


Actual screenshot from a playtest


Very nice!! Our Social Media Manager is gonna love this one!!! 😃😃❤️

22 Jun


Seeing the hype from reveal is so rewarding, but the memes are just *chefs kiss*

18 Jun


David Bowie was the best there ever was, and best that ever will be.