No, I totally understand. Just discussing.
And I have to really disagree with you here man. You don't even spawn with enough rockets to destroy them, and they take a very long time to individually load and lock on. I've been playing COD since like, COD 4 and any game with a locking Rocket Launcher, like BO2, BO3, etc. I've exclusively used that launcher in pretty much every class. But in BO4 the Salvo is literally only good against certain equipment and UAVs/CUAVs, and I run Ghost anyway... So why even use the Salvo?
I just don't understand why you would waste a point shooting down a Sniper's nest/Chopper/Whatever in the 3 or 4 lives you're going to spend locking on and dying over and over. The only way to remedy that is with Cold Blooded, which means you're sacrificing either Gung Ho or Dexterity, which wrecks your gunfighting ability in difficult lobbies, and you're also spending multiple points just on lethal killstreaks. Yikes.
Overall I just highly doub...