Originally posted by ErshinHavok
Nothing else gets a response and unless it's a post about some screenshot bitching about what someone earned in their Reserve Crate, it won't get enough traction with Karma to ever be seen on the subreddit. I have tried posting to your shit before and it gets completely ignored, so I took a different measure. If I think I'll have your ear in the privacy of a PM, then I'll try that next time. But please consider changing those horrible contracts, they are an incredibly bad look for you guys, Contracts was supposed to save some face and you created nearly impossible (in the tomahawk case, pretty much impossible) challenges.
The hostility is unnecessary and a PM would normally suffice, but I'm going to take the opportunity to simply block you now. Your comment history and the composure of your comments here don't indicate to me that discussions with you will be reasonable.
I also took a look through my comment replies and see a particularly common issue here. You're dropping into conversations and trying to change the topic. I personally don't like doing that, as we're doing so now, and will avoid doing that in most cases. Especially when your feedback is effectively presented as demands such as the original.
I'll close this out with a response to your original topic, however. I've seen that feedback, about tomahawks and others, and have actually forwarded threads along to the team regarding the alleged difficulty of some of them.
My personal response is to ...
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