Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Tracker

28 Aug


Originally posted by MyNameIzPenguin

Well this post is just meant for a more public report on a guy who is most likely hacking, I just want u/TreyarchCM to look into this person, but if you would like more convincing I could always look at theater mode to see if there's anything else I can pull from there. We didn't really give him much of a chance to kill us this game, but we did go against him the game before this one so we were just testing the waters for sure if he was, because he was doing very suspicious stuff last game.

The ingame report feature doesn't really seem to work half the time

I understand that you don't trust the in-game reporting features, but it is always the best course of action to take. Our team is served all of the relevant information needed when a report is filed.

26 Aug


Originally posted by 2ndbA2

Ive always wondered are devs usually really good at their own games? Like obviously depending on what they worked on they know some parts and spawns inside and out but sometimes there’s just shit you can’t anticipate it like bxr or are devs just really average across the board?

I'm back on my new main since this is more of a CM question.

In-game skill is a spectrum (Great, Average, Novice), and I would say that most are Average, just like the community. The level of understanding of their expertise is excellent, though, and we, alongside other studios, definitely have talent that moves from studio to studio or genre to genre. So skill and brand knowledge fluctuate, but most become acclimated over time, and we all love games anyway.

21 Aug


Originally posted by LetTheFloorHitTheBod

People are literally selling cold war wallhacks for $10/month on discord but apparently some guy shouting nonsense is your top priority..

Edit: oof the cheaters are downvoting hard when they are called out

People are literally selling cold war wallhacks for $10/month on discord but apparently some guy shouting nonsense is your top priority..

Edit: oof the cheaters are downvoting hard when they are called out

I debated on responding to you, but I feel like there's some due diligence on my side to provide some insight here.

My priorities as a Community Manager vary day-by-day, but our dedicated teams' priorities for various systems that comprise Call of Duty often do not. The people in charge of and responsible for anti-cheat and policy enforcement are actively performing their jobs. The same can be said of our engineers, designers, producers, artists, and many more.

Cheating is a proverbial cat-and-mouse game. It, unfortunately, has been and will be a part of the collective gaming history. The same can be said of racism, sexism, xenophobia, and much more. This reality, however, doesn't mean that we can't strive to be better ...

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Originally posted by Red_Ryderr

I just know his name is "NoName"

I'll shoot you a DM.


Please DM me any additional information about this player. A full ID would be appreciated if you have it.

18 Aug


Making sure to drop in to set expectations that the timing is correct in the image for the 2XP and 2XWXP which will begin on August 20th.

12 Aug


Will forward. This particular text could simply be out of date, but I'll let our studio figure that one out and forward any feedback here.

11 Aug


Originally posted by KoolAidGoneWild

what happened to the other CM account?

Do you mean /u/FoxhoundFPS? That was always a personal account and we're using this one moving forward. It creates some healthy separations and also lets me manage inboxes easier. I, Foxhound, run this account.

10 Aug


Originally posted by Penrose4Real

u/TreyarchCM Please pass this idea along to the other devs!

I've never seen this map in my life. /s

04 Aug


Originally posted by fuckprecalc

Thanks for tagging us. Shared this with the team yesterday and was notified today that a fix for this is slated for a future update. Check out our Trello card for it here.

22 Jul


New players join Call of Duty pretty often and I would consider us a good place to start an online MP journey! We have a VS Bots lobby that you can ramp the difficulty up and down on to help get acclimated to our controls if you aren't already.

Our Game Modes also explain how the match is played while loading into the map via tooltips and also while navigating the menus.

You're going to have to create an Activision account (More accounts, I know) which will let you play online and also cross-play with other players. Once you have an online service account (Xbox Live / PlayStation Plus / ID), make an Activision account and link them together. Make sure you two-factor authenticate everything to stay safe!


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21 Jul

19 Jul


Check your custom classes for any instances of Paranoia and re-equip it. LMK if this solves the issue.

16 Jul


Just saw your thread. Check your custom classes for any instances of Paranoia and re-equip it. LMK if this solves the issue.


We appreciate your humor and hope you get well soon. :)

15 Jul


Thanks for creating this thread! Please check your create classes for any instances of Paranoia. If you find one, please re-equip the perk and let me know if this solves the issue.


We’re investigating an issue where Xbox Series X players may occasionally encounter missing textures, objects, or audio in "Mauer der Toten." You can track this issue at our Trello board here:

14 Jul


Originally posted by starless_salmon

We're aware of that issue, thanks.