Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Tracker

12 May


Originally posted by slayer-x



Can we get an update on this please? Its been weeks. It NEEDS to come back, stop ignoring it and thinking people will forget.

Can we get an update on this please? Its been weeks. It NEEDS to come back, stop ignoring it and thinking people will forget.

We're not ignoring this feature and it is still planned to return as we outlined in our notes.

For context, this fix requires a major update (downloading from Xbox/PlayStation/ which typically take more time to deliver than something we can fix in a game settings update.


You should post this in /r/CODWarzone next time. Looks like this has been resolved though.

Anyone who purchased the Tracer Pack: Antonov Operator Bundle should now see Antonov available in the #Warzone Operators menu screen.



11 May

10 May


Thanks for these. I've shared them with our teams.

08 May


Originally posted by Kamikazeing

I have every camo as you can see, but Golden Viper still shows 34/35...


Can you share your ATVI ID with me? Feel free to DM if needed.


Thanks for the notes in this thread, everyone. We experienced a server issue that coincided with these reports. The simplest explanation to provide is that players reconnected faster than the server disconnected them, which prompted an "Another user has signed in using this Activision account" error.

We'll continue to monitor server stability. Feel free to update your accounts accordingly if wanted. I recommend visiting Keeping your Activision Account Secure for advice on security best practices.

07 May


Originally posted by cavemold582

I thought you guys just had patch they let you leave matches and still get MP rewards is that patch no longer valid ?

That doesn't apply if the challenge is per a completed match such as the OPs image.

06 May


Originally posted by Original_Fear_x

you see that everyone? COMPLETED MATCHES

can we please not get a repeat this time around

I urged our team to make this specific callout for a future update. I'm glad to see it appreciated by the community and live in-game.


Just to verify: When was this image captured?


This should be sorted now. Looks like we identified the issue and wrapped it up within the last few hours. LMK if you're still getting hung up in matchmaking.


This should be sorted now. Looks like we identified the issue and wrapped it up within the last few hours. LMK if you're still getting hung up in matchmaking.


This should be sorted now. Looks like we identified the issue and wrapped it up within the last few hours. LMK if you're still getting hung up in matchmaking.

05 May

Update 2.20.0 is now live on Google Play & the App Store. Battle Pass Gifting is back! Use the Call of Duty Companion App to gift the Black Ops Cold War Battle Pass to friends. As part of Battle Pass gifting returning, you will need to enable 2-factor authentication to gift a friend. To enable it, please login to & navigate to the "Privacy & Security" section. We understand the return of Battle Pass Gifting was a highly requested feature & want to say thank you for your patience while we worked to deliver the best & most secure Battle Pass Gifting experience. If you're experiencing issues please contact our email ✉️ [...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by DeformedEcho

Hey foxhound, I enabled 2FA on but haven’t done it for - does this matter as far as security goes?

No. These are effectively the same. You can log into with the same 2FA tokens as Activision. I just did this myself to double-check.


Originally posted by JohnJamesPunton

Same for me, just got into the final & it happened ffs

Can you share your ATVI ID with me? Feel free to send it as a DM if needed.


Originally posted by Daltax_

Here's what happened. I shot at a counter spy plane before its flight time ended. As the first rocket was going for it, the counter spy plane started going away. I was thinking "come back here you little shit", and shot a second rocket. The Cigma rocket followed it, until a Napalm Strike plane appeared and got destroyed instead. The game crashed for everyone. The odds must be insanely low... Yet another bug to fix I guess.
Sorry, it only recorded the last 15 seconds and I waited for the black screen to end before recording but eh, it took an entire minute.

Thanks for sharing this. When you say that it crashed for everyone, do you mean that a player in your party also was removed to the main menu? Was this also recorded today?

Edit: Changed from for to for understanding.


Originally posted by darkangel424

I understand why you feel that way, reddit is really toxic . So is the call of duty community in general. I dont envy your position, you have every right to stand your ground but I'm just warning you that it might upset more people, it's a balance for sure. I wish you goodluck though and thanks for responding!

Thanks for understanding!


Originally posted by darkangel424

I like you man but this isnt the way to talk to the community. Seems really cocky and condescending

I effectively have to stand my ground with the Reddit community because it will turn on me regardless of the amount of care and concern I pour into it. Even when I share the most benign updates I still receive some of the most ill-footed and angriest messages I have seen to date.

Some players don't care to see reason or context and instead want to shoot the messenger and drag me through the streets. So I'll happily employ a stern position at times when I deem it. This was one of those times and I don't regret it. The context is key and king.


Originally posted by MistuhWhite

Not allowed to admit fault in the PC bans yet you can say this?

We spoke about that situation also and I have always provided the latest updates that I could share at that time. So feel free to re-read them and draw your own conclusions. Context, however, will always remain king and I stand by the statements made at those times.

04 May