Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Tracker

04 May


Originally posted by NoAimMassacre

Good luck with getting an answer. We have been waiting since two weeks to get a zombie xp fix(season patch was supposed to increase it and did the opposite)

A quick shout of context here is that I've provided updates concerning XP items as I've received them. You know this because you've commented on them at every occurrence.

You however act like updates haven't been presented and have often interacted in ways that allude that "nothing is being done" because you haven't received the answer that you want. This is why I have stopped interacting with you and a few others.

If I receive any further updates regarding our investigations then I will be happy to provide them to the community.


Originally posted by Hoshiko-Yoshida

Thanks for sending this along. We're tracking it and any additional information is appreciated.


Danger. Close.

I'll let our team know about this.


Originally posted by TheSilentFoxyn

Yeah, it's not even marked off in their trello which, ya know, they use for bugs in this game.

While this won't be a comprehensive list of everything we're working on, we'll do our best to track issues of specific interest for the community.

As featured on our Trello board.

And yes, we're aware of this item and have a fix slated for it in our next major update.


Originally posted by ne0n_on_ne0n

is there a specific time range for cold war gifting?

Sorry, I don't have a specific range I only know that it's going to be soon.


Originally posted by cheesemb

u/foxhoundFPS figure I should bring this to your attention.

We're actually aware of this issue and have some fixes slated for a future release.

02 May


Originally posted by ducky--62

Nope. Reported to the devs now it’s their turn to take action.

Just to set some proper expectations and context: The OP has identified a want to boost, not shared video or evidence of the mentioned account boosting.

We take the integrity of the game seriously, but a text-based forum, where anyone can sign-up and create any conversation/narrative, and a want to boost aren't enough to condemn an account to some form of pre-emptive enforcement.


Hey, we don't recommend that you do this. To do so would be an active violation of our Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Security and Enforcement Policy. If your account is identified or reported for such actions, you would be subject to enforcements outlined by the document pending investigation.

30 Apr


Originally posted by HypeRAndTheBoi

Hey, if I 2FA'd my blizzard account am I safe, or is there anything else I have to 2FA so my cod account is safe?

You need to also 2FA your Activision account since they're actually separate accounts. Here's a link that outlines the process:

28 Apr


A general PSA note for the thread:

  1. Check if you have been part of a common security breach via
  2. Use 2FA on EVERYTHING.
  3. Use a password manager to create unique + strong passwords.

If you have lost access to your Activision Account, please check out our ...

Read more

There's an entire process for this and it starts here:

The process outlines that the situation will be reviewed and updates are noted via email.


We're aware of this.

26 Apr


Hey there! We saw this thread and wanted to share that the Patrol Grip is actually the grip with the fastest movement speed for SMGs now. Give it a spin!

24 Apr


Originally posted by LeugimXXV

This is still happening every game.

Thanks. We are continuing our investigations.

23 Apr


Originally posted by Tityfan808

u/FoxhoundFPS you guys are probably aware of this by now but tagging you just in case

We released some movement updates today concerning crouching. Can you share if you are still encountering this after today's update? Patchnotes for context here.


Thanks for tagging everyone. If you can, please share some videos of this with us.


Hey there! Where are you seeing this image?


Hello! We made more adjustments to the movement today, which you can find in our notes, and I'm curious if you are still experiencing this today. Today being after the time of this post.

Edit: We are continuing our investigations regarding this.

21 Apr


We're aware of the issue and updates regarding stability will be available via our Player Support handle. Here's the latest thread:


Originally posted by xSkulblaka

u/FoxhoundFPS any update on this issue please?

Can you send your ATVI ID to me via DM please? I'll have our team take a look.