Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Tracker

13 Nov


Chiming in to share that this has been shared with our enforcement teams.

Please report any additional offensive names in-game and our teams will investigate.


Originally posted by Xinkand

Hey foxhound, I've been trying to play the campaign but everytime I load the 3rd mission my controller randomly disconnects and doesnt works. I've tried numerous times to play the 3rd mission but everytime it screws up my controller and I would have go restart my ps4. Please help. Also multiplayer and zombies works as they dont disconnect my controller

We're tracking this issue, but I don't have any updates at this time outside of suggesting that you direct-connect via USB and set the controller to "Use USB Cable."

12 Nov


Originally posted by suicidaljoker7

Should also note, that if you're playing hardcore it kills your team mates if nearby* hence why i ran away.

Should also note, that if you're playing hardcore it kills your team mates if nearby* hence why i ran away.

Spoke with our team and we have some notes to share!

  • Care Package Behavior: We are looking to adjust the detonation sequence so that it will not damage allies when friendly fire is enabled
  • Team Kill System:
    • The intention is that after 3 teamkills, the offender will experience a respawn delay and subsequent friendly fire will be ricochet. If the offender continues to attempt friendly fire, they will be kicked from the match.
    • We are currently investigating issues with this system.

If I receive any follow-up notes I'll be back to edit/comment.

11 Nov


Originally posted by john7071

They did change weapon sounds and tuned them. Dude answered you without reading the log, and it says this:


Game Audio


Polished volumes and sound falloffs for weapons, foley audio, ambient systems, and map transitions. Additional map sound design improvements.

Gameplay Audio

Improved weapon and footstep sounds. Improved hit marker sounds. Improved player damage feedback sounds.

LOL thank you for taking the time to read.


Me when I see the title:

Me when I read the contents:

(If I could turn on the servers I would.)

10 Nov