Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

02 Jun


Originally posted by LadyLukumms

Yeah it's got nothing to do with Neowiz... I'm not getting involved in a he/said she/said argument though as I rarely come on here I like speaking 'facts' good or bad which most people know I speak my mind.

BNEA needs to step up as the publisher and either work with round8 to get the console back up to glory days or just come out and say: "This isn't our focus any more" which is fine business is business. But the shadow games...and the zero communication is disgusting.

As soon as I found out Round8 and Neowiz was working on PC back in 2020 June I dropped console so hard you have no idea.

I do stay up to date with how things are progressing with the people that remain on Console and the stories are all the same. "Same people Luke" "Waited in queue for 45 minutes".

With all the dungeon changes that was god. My fear now is they will introduce 'Keys' to open as many chests as you want in the Lum store 'p2w' that's the only thing my brain...

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I see Round8 and BNEA is the good guys here, because I see Round8 doing good things and I believe you can't be a dev without having some passion for your work. BNEA is a 3rd party publisher in this setup, more of an intermediary, with Neowiz being the primary publisher that makes most of not all executive decisions that affect the direction of the game.

Sadly BNEA has no say when it comes to design decisions. I don't know if someone was asleep at the negotiating table, but BNEA definitely should have way more influence on the direction of the game than it actually does.

From my perspective Neowiz is the publisher and carries the most responsibility for success or failure across all platforms


Originally posted by LadyLukumms

My home is PC now but I'll post with this:

Round8 has been doing an amazing job at communicating development and ideas while making player feedback changes with each CBT / Update.

I was a 'PCC' for Bandai Namco as a lot of you are aware. As stated prior when I left the PCC when I told them to REMOVE ME was because of the complete lack of communication within the 'staff' discord. Minion you are aware of this first hand.

Stormshade was beyond a joke and had no idea how to talk to the community let alone raise serious concerns.

When I quit console I continued to help the PC team with testing Round8/Neowiz making Steam videos for promotion etc. Why? because they are at least trying to do the right thing. Sure they bombed on Bless Online but with clear transparency and constant communication in the PC BU discord it's to be admired.

The Console Discord is beyond a joke and has been out of touch for sometime I'm surprised they kept it going.


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I am. There was a communication deadzone for several months between BNEA and the PCCs. It was frustrating for all of us. I feel that is beside the point when it comes to Neowiz's persistent MO of hyping with big promises and never fully delivering. The current influx of communication between Round8 and players also perfectly fits the Bless Online profile, and it down and became very frustrating shortly after launch. I wish people would be more wary before potentially buying snake oil

01 Jun

31 May

30 May


Originally posted by Fizzy-Joon

Somehow the website doesn't open for me, tried on my iPhone safari and my windows Laptop. Not sure if its down or my connection.

It looks like bunleashed is down atm. Maybe buxley can shed some light but it'll probably be back very soon

28 May


Originally posted by pingu11235

Hey I am somewhat sceptical about Awakened coming to console. Do you have any official word from Bandai that this is indeed true? I feel like this June update might be the make or break for Bless Unleashed. I hope that is not the case

Yes Bandai has confirmed it. It's definitely happening. Neowiz is contracted to keep all releases identical for all platforms. What PC gets, we get

26 May


Originally posted by ragelark

I call BNEA out on their bullshit as much as anybody

Lol I've seen your videos and you don't. But I'll leave it at that.

I could link a few where I do but I'm not convinced the effort is worth the payoff


Originally posted by ragelark

No offense but you don’t even play the game anymore. You don’t participate in discord and you don’t know what you’re talking about. Been weeks since you’ve made a bless video and you’re an alleged preferred content creator so your obviously goinn to defend BNEA regardless. I’m not sure how you’re speaking like you’re some sort of authority.

I've never participated in the official discord because it has always been moderated like a drunken pub. I play, but I had to take a break, which doesn't somehow erase all of the hours and experience I put in. A lot of my videos don't make BNEA or the game look like peaches and lollipops. I call BNEA out on their bullsh*t as much as anybody, and I refused to become a PCC until they agreed that my opinions would never be censored. I've been on the inside track watching Neowiz try to sabotage their own project while BNEA has been trying to save it for months. I'm not an authority, but I do know some things, and if I'm not sure when I make a statement, I tell you I'm guessing


Originally posted by gdub8

God Speed man, hope things are well or work out to be well..

I appreciate it. It's getting there^


Originally posted by gdub8

Well there it is...,lol, where have you been? !

I've got a bunch of real life stuff happening. Doing my best to be active here and on discords in the meantime


Originally posted by Mr-McBoogerballs

I watch all your youtube vidz lol

Thanks ;)


Originally posted by LithiumOhm

Bandai can't do shit if the devs don't tell them anything



Originally posted by gdub8

why do people assume this Awaken update is coming to console, sure they may be updating things, but NOTHING has been confirmed that this update will hit console. Please give me written proof, because I haven't seen it..

Like how are they going to change a whole system with custom skill since we've been at it for a year.. They simply can't just start over...

As OP has said, they suck with communication..

I can confirm it for you now. Awakened is 100% coming to console


That is very unfair and a superficial observation. BandaiNamco is the only one listening to our feedback and fighting against decisions Neowiz makes that negatively affect the community. The same kinds of decisions that ran Bless Online into the ground. They have to fight for every scrap of information they give us. If we're not getting as much info from them, its because Neowiz is keeping it from them. Judging from this post, the sabotage is working

I sincerely worry about direction of the game after PC release when Neowiz makes decisions without BNEA involved. The whole move feels ungrateful after BNEA saved the franchise from fading away forever.

24 May


Originally posted by VideoGameN3rd

I tried that but my mount always stops running

Make sure you have the alternate mount controls with auto-run enabled

23 May