Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars Dev Tracker

27 Oct


You're welcome. Thanks for the nice map! 👊

24 Oct


New Brawler: Charlie (Chromatic)

Type: Controller

  • Attack: Yo-Yo
    • Charlie slings her yo-yo forward, damaging the first enemy hit and then returning back to her
  • Super: Cocoon
    • Charlie throws forward a bundle of hair wrapping around an enemy on hit, disabling them until the hairy cocoon is destroyed
  • Gadget: Spiders
    • Charlie releases 3 spiders that seek and attack the nearest enemies
  • Gadget: Personal Space
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20 Oct


I get the clickbait for views, but spreading fake news is low


hahaha, thank you for having our backs! :D
the calculation is pretty much done on a spreadsheet, so the number you see in-game is reading from a formula already, it's not an arbitrary number we just drop there

19 Oct


Originally posted by glassballsoficeman

Frank has stated. BS china is its own game and severs they have nothing to do with frank or the team in Finland, just because they have it doesn’t mean we do. Frank did said that if skins from China are in high demand then we can possibly get it but never said features like this one, plus this is beta.

He said that we may see things they do that we may not that however does not mean things they do won’t come to our side of the servers he vice versa

You're misquoting me. By default nothing that happens in the China version will automatically appear in the Global version. However, if we see that features or content from the PRC version turns out to have a great impact on the game over there, we will of course consider bringing them to all of you over here. ;)

This might happen on a different timeline or not at all if we're not convinced.

18 Oct


the account in question was locked 3 years ago O_O
is it this the account you are trying to recover?

Accounts are blocked for security reasons (when there's suspicious activity on the account, so it's blocked to avoid making the problem bigger)... theoretically, contacting support and answering the bot questions should be enough to have your account returned to you (even if you don't contact an agent). But if you haven't played this account in 3 years, I can understand why the information given might not be accurate :p


Originally posted by Zestyclose-Cap8646

Hew dani will we know what the people who get the golden codes wish for

if they are ok with us sharing it, then yes, if not, then we'll keep it private :D

16 Oct

14 Oct


Even though you haven’t seen the reward, they are supposed to be delivered to your account, but of course it’s hard to check what you got, specially if it’s a cosmetic

Drop your tags here or DM me and I can quickly check for you (if you reply in the next 15 min :D)

13 Oct


Kinda hilarious given that you are part of the "problem" you seem to call out here. 😂

Great hunting ground for Shelly though!

11 Oct


Originally posted by Extra_toxic

My best guess is it's like a mini pass. You buy it, you get all those rewards on those mentioned days. If you buy it later, you probably will be able to collect previous days rewards. Because otherwise it's pointless.


03 Oct


Hypercharges are coming to Starr Drops, and to celebrate, we have a new event called #ShootingStarrDrops!

Watch the video or read below to find out what’s going to happen:


Double Starr Drops for everyone, every day! From October 3rd until October 17th, get your daily wins as usual but this time you get TWO Starr Drops per milestone instead of one!


4 billion Takedowns in 14 days! Everyone in the community can contribute and reaching each target will earn everyone FREE STARR DROPS, including Legendary ones!Every Takedown in these modes counts: Trophy matches, Power League, Club League, Challenges, Friendly matches, and Map Maker.Everyone will have a free Rare Starr Drop in the Shop...

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20 Sep

11 Sep


This is freaking amazing. Take my award! ❤️🔥👊

09 Sep


Originally posted by Argumentium

I get that sometimes you need to take risks in game development for the greater good of the game, but even considering that, some of the changes in this update make no sense.

For example, why leave non-percentage based star powers, gadgets, and gears, all of which have been effectively nerfed by 25% thanks to the increased level gap, in this state?

I know the Brawl Stars team is working to make them all percentage based in the next updates, but is it really THAT hard to convert a number to a percent to the point of justifying leaving them in this weakened state? Of all the problems that could give developers tons of trouble to solve, crunching numbers shouldn't be one of them, especially when you consider the existence of calculators.

Speaking of the increased level gap, I only have one question about it; why? Are gadgets, gears, star powers, and the newly added hypercharge really not enough of a reason to level up your brawlers? Yes, lower levels can still...

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I’ve just answered those in my other replies here on the thread! But since the answers are getting quite long, I’ll use the space to tease that we’ll go deep into the reasoning of all the controversial changes in our next time to explain! So hopefully I’ll be able to count on your ears there!


Originally posted by Ok-Silver-8658

I like most of the new changes in the most recent set of changes you guys have made . I appreciate the fact that you guys, unlike CR, are attempting to change the game and make it appealing to others, and not just strictly revenue based.

Everyone makes mistakes, but we all learn from them.

The one small caveat I didn't really like with the most recent update, was the removal of heist, bounty, and hot zone. I am fine with removing bounty if we have wipeout, but I honestly think heist is a favored game in the community.

If players don't want bounty and hot zone back, please add duels. It is certainly one of the few game modes I can play that is purely skill based, and is an alternative to the currently toxic high trophy showdown matches. You can't survive in the game without teaming with others.

And duels is fairly popular, and I was disappointed not to see it last season.

Besides that, the update is really solid. I haven't seen a single t...

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Heist is definitely not a favorite in the community though, that’s why it got removed, haha

I understand it could definitely be the favorite mode of some people, but the problem we were trying to solve was not removing modes players don’t play that much, it was actually reducing the number of options so it doesn’t get so overwhelming for casuals and increases the MM pool in all trophy ranges, so unfortunately, the modes we removed were the least performing ones, it wasn’t personal :(

Let’s see how it goes though, if it does affect us negatively, I’m sure we can reiterate. But if it does make more player to engage more with the game, we’ll have to find another alternative to please both sides… either way, time will tell!


Originally posted by Darkcat9000

problem is a lot of this update either just seems rushed or have strange reasoning behind it

the gamemode removal makes no sense, it was supposed to improve mm but the problem of mm isn't the smaple size it's that trophies do not indicate skill anymore

in 600 trophies skill is very varied you can go from the most cracked player ever to someone who has no clue of what he's doing and every change in ladder made it worse

total trophies just made the mm measier and made it so high total trophies peopel get matched with low total trophies peopel while they fight against a bunch of people with average amount of total trophies

the average 40k is simply not twice as good as the average 20k yet mm seems to treat it that way for example

all the change did was make the game feel drier and anyone who liked those modes simply played less

i mean if you came into a restaurant to eat fish and that restaurant stopped ordering fish you wouldn't sudde...

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We did have less time for this cycle than for any other update in the year - since there’s a 1 month break in between, but even though, we didn’t have to crunch and there was no need for overtime or late hours working (or at least not much :p) So I wouldn’t say rushed, because we delivered what was in the scope

If the reason seems strange, then I’m here to explain why and we’ll have another time to explain specific about this update

Game modes - Sample size is one of the main problems with matchmaking, since it only expands the range when it doesn’t find the “perfect” matchup Brawl also has way too many options and it could be overwhelming for some players (this isn’t an assumption, it’s the results of many focus groups we ran + occasional feedback we’ve seen from new players)

The analogy of the restaurant kinda works, because you are not seeing from the perspective of the owner of the place, why did they remove that option? Is it because only few people or...

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Originally posted by royalejappie

This is your opinion, and it’s very well thought out. BUT you don’t see the things the devs do. So you don’t know what of that is true. And if all goes down they can always bring things back, but it takes time to balance things out

That’s pretty much it… And even though people can’t track the same data we do (player retention, monetization, active players…) we try to be really open and transparent with our communication (just watch any of the “time to explain” episodes and you’ll see)

The thing is that the last 3 updates (or 4 if you count the Starr Road update) created huge positive sentiment in the community, which we believed it would also reflect in our game growth, but it didn’t, and we had to try a different strategy even if this would mean sacrificing some of the positivity we’ve built together. I’m also using only the last updates as reference, but there are a lot of learnings in every update we ever dropped

When we release all those changes at the same time, it’s because they are all hypothesis that we need to prove by trying with our player base. The more “bets” we have, the higher the chance of one of them to stick/work

All the changes have a logic behind it, but whether ...

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08 Sep