Wow, awesome!!
Wow, awesome!!
It was changed based on popularity. The games in the last slot are the least played. Of course we will keep an eye on this and keep adjusting and improving!
If you like my works, follow me!
(changed my IG username to match my twitter account :) )
This is adorable! Would love to hear your backstory of how Mortis grew up =p
There's no box to add a description in image posts, so I'm just gonna write it here.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you u/PalomaPio; your amazing art sparked my interested in art, and I couldn't be more grateful.
And thank you u/rtil for giving me the idea to make this piece with your Grown-up Jessie, grown-up Scrappy piece. Mine is no where near as cool as yours, but I gave it a shot anyway.
Also, please go easy on me. This is my first ever post to reddit, and on top of that, this is my very first finished piece of art, ever.
This is really awesome!
My dream is to work with them and then have my house decorated like this!
Come on over!!
I don’t agree with this at all, on top of this map he also stole 7 of my other maps, as well as some from a few others I know, although this was the only one added. I also put the dates to show mine was made in February and his was in June, so I’m not the copycat here. The devs and Rey (as this map won his contest but the other person got the credit and not me.) were already informed via Twitter, but I decided to share it here as well to spread the word more.
Hey OwenReds,
SO sorry to hear this! We weren't aware that you had made it originally. We'll get the in-game credit fixed ASAP and be sure to send you your reward. Unfortunately, it may need to wait until the next update to fix the in-game text. We'd love to send you an early-release Mecha Crow skin to thank you for the map you've made! I'll send you a private message so we can get that over to you.
The only problem here: Star player doesn’t mean the overall performance of a player, for example, if that player keeps stealing kills from his teammates, he will have a better odds of being a star player, and players will be extremely aggressive because of that
This is exactly right and that's why we don't award anything for Star Player. We want to make sure that people are playing the objective, and not playing for Star Player.
It would really suck to have matches where El Primo just runs to the enemy spawn to try and get the most damage taken.
Me and my friends lost the old season rewards from the inbox, we didn't claimed it before 😭
Send a message to Player Support and we'll take a look 💪
I have a question: Are the season-end tokens removed? And if they are,what will the players with no brawler above 500 trophies get as rewards?
If you're below 500 Trophies, you will no longer receive a Season-end reward. Sorry about that! Though it's significantly easier to get to 500 Trophies now, so you should have no trouble climbing up
Hey Brawlers,
We're fixing a few bugs that came with the update in this upcoming maintenance, and then we'll fix a few more with an optional update coming later.
*these fixes will not apply in Solo Friendly Games with bots
OPTIONAL UPDATE(Coming later):
We are super excited that Brawl Stars is finally available around the globe. If the game still appears to be in pre-registration for you on the Google Play Store, don't fret and clear your Google Play Store cache in the settings of your device.
That's it. Frank out. :)
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