Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

10 Jul

07 Jul

04 Jul

01 Jul


Originally posted by Kal-El_6500

This is a thing. I am not getting the boost nor are any of my clanmates. I just watched 5 separate replays in my clan

u/supercell_max can ya help us out here or have we gone crazy?

You haven't gone crazy :)
It's by design. Previously, elixir "decimals" were not supported by the game (0.1, 0.2, 0.3 elixir, etc..). So when the double elixir time started, there was a "natural" bump.
Since the last update, decimals are now supported, so the bump is not happening anymore.

30 Jun


the gem cost is reset with each banner box!

29 Jun



If you bought the emote during the bug and you don't want it anymore after the fix because it changed, you can contact support to have it removed and get a refund for your gems.

28 Jun

27 Jun


Originally posted by Rip_hommez-

In game development, there are a lot of bugs, but this has to be one of the weirdest ones I've seen 😂

i know! it's one of those things where you're just like... how?


we've noticed there is an issue with some emotes being switched with other ones.

we are looking into it!