Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

19 Apr

Heya! That certainly does not look right. Just to gather some more information for the team. Do you only notice this on certain guns? How often does this happen? When it does happen does it continue through the rest of the match? Thanks!

18 Apr

17 Apr

Originally posted by ComparisonGreen7183

This is awesome. Hey is the bull charge what you were referring to as the riot shield in the last community update?

Maybe 😉

....but yes.

Originally posted by Ishan2818

Hey devs, where are the balance changes that we saw in test build some days back? Are they not coming this season?

Hey there! Those changes should be coming sometime later this season, since all that is tied to a significant in-game updated 🙂

Heya! This is only for this specific playlist, there will be other modes later! 🙂

Originally posted by Patient-Candle-7311

Hello guys, first I congratulate you for the excellent battle pass .. We in the community love it, stay at this level in other passes, this is what we expect from you. We’re just frustrated because you didn’t give us a free way to get the melee weapon: Katana, we’re excited to hear that the season would be about samurai, ninjas .. and we’re looking forward to winning a katana within the battle pass or at some event .. Please, this was the perfect season for you to give us a free katana, do you plan to do that? if you don't plan, please reconsider .. the community is looking forward to it. Help us.

Heya, first off thank you for the kind words and for sharing your love of this stellar BP ! We do have a lot of Katana's (Hachi's) available this season through a variety of methods, some of which are free and earnable and some are purchased only, but they aren't right at launch.

One of the main ways everyone can try out that weapon is in the upcoming Swords & Stones mode where everyone will have a Hachi by default. However, we'll keep an eye out for any free/grind paths to one this season and try to call it out in a future update.

Originally posted by xPeryium

You guys really nailed the trailer for this season!

Thank you very much! Our team loves this one too and has already thrown many compliments at our graphic designers who put that one together

Originally posted by Patient-Candle-7311

hi guys, we know that season 4 will be a big update .. Do you want to bring a test server at some point? If so, can you tell us more or less when we will have the test server?

Hey! Yeah we are contemplating doing another one before Season 4, but that it something we'll likely discuss in the next community update. Thanks for asking though and we'll be sure to share about that (whether we do or not) in a future post.

Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are honored to be here with you for yet another Season release in 2021 and this time with a theme so bold, stylistic, and filled with color. Season 3: Tokyo Escape brings a feudal Japanese aesthetic to Call of Duty: Mobile with blades, samurai, ninjas, and the pink blossoms of Sakura season to many parts of the game.

There is no better way to start the update than with a glimpse at many of the carefully and stylistically crafted new operators, weapons, and more in the Season 3 launch trailer!


Read more External link →

16 Apr

Heya! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Sent this over to the team to get some eyes on it

15 Apr

Apologies you ran into a player like that. But we do appreciate the report. I'll forward this to the team

14 Apr

Originally posted by Independent-Aide-255

Hey everyone,

This is my first post, so I don't really know what I am doing. But sorry if this is cringe. I am not the political type, however, blatant racism leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't really care what people say behind closed doors or among friends, but this is just blatantly trashy.

In the end it's just a username, so it's not hurting anyone. However, due to today's political climate, it is probably in the devs best interest to not have usernames like that in their game. I'm some random nobody, so no one cares, but if Twitter got a hold of this, the devs, as well as this game's playerbase would be under a lot of fire with false accusations of racism.

I've also read the comments, and my only response is that I am just a concerned player. I'm not trying to cause drama. Sorry for the cringe.

Heya, we know this is a bit late but just wanted to say we care about this type of stuff and we'll do what we can to enforce those username rules. Appreciate the report!