Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

24 Apr

Originally posted by YoungRedPiller

In the patch notes it says PP Bizon has 3 shot kill ability but that's not the case, can we get some more clarification?

Also, when can we expect those balance changes from the test server to come? The game feels kind of stale right now with so many guns never used because they're so underpowered.. I'm really hoping for that balance change to spice things up

Heya, sure thing. We'll need to check with the weapon team to see if there a specific loadout that is meant to create the ability to do a 3 shot kill, but in relation to your second question - the next update! We'll have some notes on that next week and the weapon balance changes are coming in the next update landing right before S4

Originally posted by rjsp17

it was her first time making something like that so there's not much stuff on her ig but thank you again for posting, it really means a lot to her that people appreciate her work 😁

No worries and thanks all the same! The post is up here:
Also, for your UID we got "does not exist" when searching for it. Are you on the Garena or Chinese version by any chance?

Originally posted by Unusual_Tangerine_13

Hello, love the game :) Will the buffs and nerf from the test server be coming soon, the meta over the past few seasons has become a bit stale. Thank you and have a good day

Hey there! Appreciate the kind words 🙂 All the adjustments from that test server will be implemented later this season and tied to a major update. In our next Community Update we will have more details on all that

Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are back and with another community update focused on the latest for Season 3: Tokyo Escape! This time around the update is all about modes and maps releasing this week, new events tied to Call of Duty: Warzone, and various feedback and bug reports. Next week will be a heftier one in terms of content with Warrior’s Path, the featured event for S3, launching! Have another glimpse at what is still to come in the S3 roadmap:


Read more External link →

23 Apr

Originally posted by rjsp17

Hey! i actually got lucky and was able to get the urbanite urban tracker in the fifth pull, she's awesome and i use her all the time. here's my UID: 6744728132109991937 and my username is Swf-T. would be great if i had alias too, i tried to pull for her but i wasnt as lucky that time. And sure! my girl would love so much and all the credit goes to her.

Thanks for the response and roger that on all aspects of that! Does she make anything anywhere? Like does she have an IG or any social media areas where she makes similarly cool/interesting custom creations that we can point to? No worries if not, just looking to see if there are extra ways to help highlight her for being amazing. Also, just an FYI that we are aiming to post in the afternoon or evening of today (4/23 PT).

22 Apr

Hey there! We put a fix in place that should go live on the refresh later today at 5PDT. Please let us know if you don't get it then

This is absolutely wonderful and clearly the rest of the community thinks so too.

  1. Do you have a favorite operator that you don't have, like you love Urban Tracker but don't have her newest Urbanite Draw version?
  2. ^Please share your UID or username and obviously not related to wanting to send you said operator
  3. Do you mind if we highlight this post and these great custom creations in our community update this week?

Update 4/22 12 pm (PT) - After some more investigation, the fix we put in place should ideally go live when we hit the refresh today at 5 PDT. Please let us know if you dont get it then!

Originally posted by Mum_Spaghetti5


please look into this if you have not already done so

thanks for the tag u/Mum_Spaghetti5 and thanks for the report u/Ghostwaker! Sent this to the team and currently looking into this one

21 Apr

Hey there! This is something the team is currently looking into, appreciate your patience!

20 Apr

Truly horrifying. Thank you

19 Apr

Heya! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We'll send this over to the appropriate team so they can take a look at it.

Hey there! Thanks for reporting this one, we'll send it along to the team to get some eyes on it!