Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

13 Apr

12 Apr

Hey there! Well that isn't right. To get some more info on this one - did it only happen this once, or throughout the match? Did you only notice it happening near Cellhouse? Thanks!

Heya! Sorry you ran into a player like that, but thank you for the report. We'll send this along to the team to get checked out.

10 Apr

Heya! We're aware of the issue and currently investigating this one. Can you provide some more info to help us out? What region are you playing from? What device are you using?

Originally posted by jomarr24

I sign in with COD account. This just occurred today and a lot of people are experiencing this problem.

Thanks for the info! What region do you play in? What device are you using?

Originally posted by the-bois

Same issue here

Thanks for the info. What region are you all in? What device are you using?

09 Apr

Originally posted by bunny100clubrt

I used my COD account,and I it happend for around a hour.

Thanks for the info. Also what region do you play in? What device do you play on?

Heya! Sorry to hear you're running into that. What do you use to sign into CODM with (facebook, COD account, apple)? How long has this been going on for?

Heya! Sorry to hear you're running into that. What do you use to sign into CODM with (facebook, COD account, apple)? How long has this been going on for?

Heya! Sorry to hear you're running into that. What do you use to sign into CODM with (facebook, COD account, apple)? How long has this been going on for?

Heya! Sorry to hear you're running into that. What do you use to sign into CODM with (facebook, COD account, apple)? How long has this been going on for?

Originally posted by sidzPRODIGIES

I just sent them a message

Thanks for sending this our way. Like others have mentioned thank you for only sharing it in PM not posting about it to stop others from potentially utilizing what you are sharing.

thanks for the report! We'll send this over to the team

Originally posted by RChacon09

Heya Call of Duty: Mobile team, thanks again for another community update and here I come to ask some questions:

-First off, why China seems to be getting way more attention than Global, I know the game has just been released there but man... everything from the events to even promos are extremely well-executed, while Global gets the same repetitive “do some action with certain gun” that might be cool at first but every season is the same thing, even the game modes feel extremely repetitive at this point.

-Could we expect zombies for at least S3 or there is just no set date for Global at all yet?

-This “new zombie experience” that you guys mentioned in the last community update is related to just the changes we’ve seen in the zombies mode present in the Chinese Beta Test?

-Could we also get more transparency on the supposed “discussions” that you guys have been making while deciding whenever or not the features in Chinese codm come to global? It’s st...

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Heya, questions are always appreciated and especially in a respectful way like you did . Some of those are specifically already answered in the update, but we'll try to respond and summarize:

  • China build differences. We've talked about this one many times and like you noted we generally have to be a bit vague about this since it is all up to our dev teams, some of which are different for each version of the game, to decide where and when things release. However, generally most things are shared and the two versions aren't meant to be feel so separate. Like we mentioned above, we plan to do more in the future to better address this and when features might be coming over to global.
  • No news on a zombies mode release date, but no this is not the same as the zombies mode currently seen in the China Beta t...
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Originally posted by LeEmperorNeo

Zombies next season?

Nope, afraid not! We'll announce what we can as soon as it is all ready enough to put a real ETA on.