Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

20 Mar

Originally posted by armeliiito

Hello, any plan to add a new LMG next season? We don't have many LMG nd there are a tons in COD franchise.

Heya, there isn't a new functional LMG next season. However, there are some pretty damn cool variants for LMGs coming that season in particular. We can't say much more than that, but we hope you dig those and it is only a matter of time until a new LMG arrives!

Originally posted by Swor1D

Will there be a 10vs10 in shoot house and shipment 2019?

Yes! There is a playlist coming in early April that will have 10v10 in the mix (among many other modes) and all of those modes will be just for Shipment 2019 and Shoot House.

Originally posted by Patient-Candle-7311

Hello, dear developers. I would like to express a particular opinion of mine .. a different mode in the mobile cod is missing, I believe that a new PVE mode would give a lot of freshness and novelty to the game. I would like to know if it is possible for some PVE mode to be released in the mobile cod later this year. Thanks for listening.

is all we can say for now, but we hear you!

Originally posted by EdwinM09

I'm looking for mainly in a resolution higher than 1080P if you can in 4k, it's a lot to ask, but it wouldn't hurt to start such a package by: Artery Bloddy Vengeance, Manta Ray, Seraph Sicaria, Seraph Lunar New Year, Urban Tracker S4, Urban Tracker By Night and Urban Tracker Bish (I don't know if it would be possible).

And I repeat my question, do you plan to make Manta Ray come back?.

I look forward to hearing from you, thanks for your work in the game

Thanks! We do have a few in 4K, but they generally aren't specific characters like that. More like general X Season screens, like the lobby backgrounds. However, we'll put together a package and share it out next week

Also, yes we believe that Manta Ray should have new iterations coming in the near future. It isn't locked in stone yet though.

Originally posted by Demi-Fiend

Traps right now can:

  1. Slow you down by like 90 percent making you almost immobile

  2. Leave you almost dead if you had full health or straight up kill you if you didn't have max health.

  3. Reveal your position constantly (which even the tracker class doesn't do)

  4. Multiple traps stack damage, very swift death.

Compare this to mechanic class where a single drone flies slowly towards an enemy. You can see and hear the drone flying towards you so you can prepare to deal with it. You can slide/run from the drone/shoot the drone extremely easy. And the only thing the drone does is slow you down somewhat and prevent you from ads'ing.

Now, tell us how and why do you guys think trap master is balanced ?

My suggestion is to make it so that traps instantly kill you. This way it'll save few seconds of our time.

(And before anyone here says "but you can deal with them" - I know but they are still ...

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Fair feedback and thanks for laying out it so clearly! We have seen other trap master related feedback as well that all similarly suggested it was too strong. Interestingly, the use rate of this class is relatively on par with other classes, which would normally imply it isn't overpowered. We'll share back with the team though and start a discussion about the class

Originally posted by ComparisonGreen7183

Hey whats going on with dead silence? Sometimes you can hear it, sometimes you cant. Enemies can hear it regardless

Hey! thanks for the heads up about this one. It does look like something isn't quiet functioning right with dead silence. Sending some info over to the team now!

Originally posted by COD_Mobile_Official

Thanks for the quick reply and for all of the info to link out. We are setting that all up now and we should have the update in a few hours . We couldn't find your Facebook, but the others look good and we'll reference them to folks. We'll ping you again once it is out.

Originally posted by tripps_a_lot

Still facing black screen/crashes in BR unfortunately. Anything new in regards for a fix?

Sorry to hear you are running into that and we know that is a significant concern for anyone encountering that in anyway. It has been a tough one because it is never clear what the cause is and whether or not it is one cause or many different ones depending on devices.

Generally the team will put out some optimizations in an update that will hopefully help improve or get rid of the issue for some devices, but with this S2 update we haven't seen many reports of those optimizations helping with this particular issue. We have some specific updates coming in the next major update that we believe will greatly help Android players, but unfortunately that update is still quite a ways out.

Originally posted by EdwinM09

Not so game related, but where can I get COD Mobile pc backgrounds?. By the way, when will Manta Ray be back?

Greetings, we'd be happy to share some high res options with you if you would like! Maybe we can put together a background pack to share next week. What kind of resolution are you looking for primarily?

Originally posted by Xtormiken

Hey hey, can attachments like the 5.45 mag for the AK47 and the 10mm mag for the QQ9 work as it should, please ?? the 5.45 mag was supossed to increase fire rate and recoil control while decreasing damage and range (here it only "increases" fire rate) and the 10mm mag for the QQ9 is supossed to increase damage and range while increasing recoil becoz after all you are using a higher caliber, can we see please get these changes in a future ???

Heya, it is hard to talk specifics about that, but like we mentioned in the update we do have plans for a way in the near future (this month ideally) to help gather exactly that kind of feedback around weapon balance. We already have changes planned too that we are looking for feedback on. We'll share more on that later!

Another new account at the top of some leaderboards? We did report at least two accounts of his this week and clearly they just keep finding new ways to make new accounts, and cheat their way back to the top, but we'll keep banning and doing what we can to combat it.

Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! Season 2: Day of Reckoning has been out for a little over a week now and since the last community update we’ve been pulling in feedback, checking bugs, reporting cheaters, and getting everything ready for upcoming events this season. We’ll have plenty of info on all of that here on top of new modes, challenges, and event launching soon, but first we have to take a step outside of the game for a moment to discuss something important.

Recently the Asian community have been threatened with violence, racism, and harassment. If you follow...

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19 Mar

Originally posted by ErisReignhART

I would love to have my arts get reposted/highlighted by you guys in cod:m official ![gif](emote|freeemotes_pack|heart_eyes) My instagram account: @eris.reign\ Youtube: Eris ReignhART Facebook: Eris

Thank you very much! 💕

Thanks for the quick reply and for all of the info to link out. We are setting that all up now and we should have the update in a few hours . We couldn't find your Facebook, but the others look good and we'll reference them to folks. We'll ping you again once it is out.

Yeah, something is not right here. I'll shoot this over to the team. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

Wow, two years! Time certainty does fly when we're having fun ❤️ Seriously seeing players like you still passionate about the game and this community, nearly a year and a half later, is just awesome to see. Thanks for getting us all nostalgic on a Friday 😉

Hey there! That's a weird one for sure. Would it be possible to get a video of you getting XP and the BP not progressing? That would be super helpful for when I send this over to the team to checkout.

Also, I know you mentioned playing different modes. Did you try a simple game reset or anything like that? The more details the better :)

Hey Eris, we know it is a bit late in the week to be asking with the community update coming out in less than 24 hours, but we appreciate your art and would love to highlight it! Most likely this piece in particular and also the great Bento Box rendition .

Let us know what you think and if you'd like to reference any pages you have with your art too, like Instagram, Art Station, or anything SFW. Regardless, thanks for showing your love of the operators and for sharing it with the community.

hey! Yeah, that doesn't seem right. I'll shoot this over to the team. Thanks for all the details they'll come in hand-y for the teams investigation 😉