Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

09 Mar

Hey all, we are already checking to see if this is present in the global version that should be releasing relatively soon. Thanks for the vid though and for all of the pings!

08 Mar

Originally posted by 13au74u

I think this MIA is refering to is Ghost himself, the outfit doesn't matter. (Also this isn't canon to any COD games)

Just to chime in quickly, but yes to MIA referring to Ghost specifically and also yes to the story in CODM being separate from any of the console/PC COD titles. No comments on this otherwise though

Heya, while we can only hope those players you've met and connected with see this post, we can also just say thank you for being one of our players and for highlighting one of the things that has always made gaming wonderful: the ability to connect and mutually enjoy something with strangers or friends.

We are so glad to and humbled to hear that the game brought you any comfort and enjoyment through such a challenging and rough year for the whole world. We wish you the best with whatever you move onto next and thanks for taking the time to share this here

Originally posted by NotJphy

5MW LEASER but with a pic of a foregrip

Yeah this sure looks wrong. Thanks for pointing it out though. We'll check with the designers and have them make some corrections

07 Mar

06 Mar

Originally posted by Luzicarious

Diamond camo on guns such as the QXR (mp7) dont show up in the BR ground loot. any chance you will look into this?

Always a chance, yes! There is a similar-ish issue we are looking into, but just in case could you provide some more details so we can report it up? For instance, are you saying this is only on some Gold and Diamond Camos (based on u/MarksmanMike's comment too)? If so, any weapons other than the QXR and QQ9?

Also, any screenshots of this would be lovely if you are able to grab them. Just let us know about all of that and thanks for taking the time to bring it up!

Originally posted by leo_messi-10

Can I do it over the private message? I don't want my ID to be public here. I keep everything separate (social circle, gaming circle, family, etc). I hope you understand. Sorry for the inconveniences beforehand.

No worries. We got it and then removed your response so that you don't have to worry about it being visible. Get back to you later once we hear back from the team, but probably via PM.

Originally posted by leo_messi-10

Yup and I still didn't received my "GUARANTEED" epic. even after opening 20 crates.

This picture is after the fix and the compensation crates. I deserve the Guaranteed Epic. I don't care if I even receive a epic (lucky base and I accept the odds) but Guaranteed 😔🥺

Got it. Could you just share your UID or Player ID?

Originally posted by leo_messi-10

Oh wow! You won't believe me but trust me I'm happy that I at last received a reply (wasn't expecting it tbh) 😍

Yup, I open chat and no one replies.

And one of my latest issue is this:

Haha, well happy to try to help all the same! Were you still having issues with that crate though? We did have an issue with it right when it released, but we fixed it, brought it back up, and sent out replacement crates to those who encountered it early on with that no milestone bug.

Originally posted by ComparisonGreen7183

Right, the community manager would just love to respond to that

Seriously though, no news on Zombies that we can share at the moment.

Originally posted by leo_messi-10

Thank you so much again for the community update and Hats off for being the best Game Developers 👏🏻

But I would like to address 1 issue. Are you aware that none of your support works? Right?

Twitter: No response.

In-game: No response.

Website: Hours of waiting time (Agents are always busy).

Email: It is only for notifications purpose.

I know you are busy developers because of handling the "Biggest Gaming industry" but also "with great power comes the responsibility". So I hope you will improve your support means.

Thank you.

Heya, thank for the support for these updates and for supporting our devs & game!

Sorry to hear you are clearly having a hard time getting in touch with anyone from the support teams. When you say no one responds in-game do you mean the live chat opens and just no one responds?

Also, what kind of issue are you trying to report up to them? Might be something we can help with directly or if you have a pre-existing case (through any of those support areas) we can ping the team directly to see what's going on.

Originally posted by BryceBishop55

So excited for the new bp! And I know the devs will continue to make the game even more amazing! May I ask, have there been any talks in adding maps from different call of duty titles such as black ops 3 or advanced warfare? The maps are really nice.

Hey hey! Appreciate the excitement . To answer your question without going into too many details, yes! Our teams have looked at and pulled from a wide variety of maps across the COD franchise. Specifically those two though? Not yet.

But that's part of what makes COD: Mobile so unique, we are able to represent maps, operators, and weapons from so many different titles! The options are always are there and we have plenty more coming in 2021.

Originally posted by Jarlii

When it's gonna be the major update?

It should be a day or two before the Season release next week, which is currently set for Wednesday March 10th at 4 pm (PT).

Originally posted by Alternative-Pea-4870

Hello devs! What do you mean not final for Damascus? Do you mean what we saw on the test build is not what we are gonna get or is it gonna be more like the modern warfare version

Heya, we just mean that anything in the public test build is not final and could be completely changed by the time it comes to the full release. We saw some comments specifically around how Damascus looks there on certain weapons, and while we can't confirm (not yet) that is not the case for final release next week we just wanted to make it clear that everything in that build is subject to change.

05 Mar

Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are happy to be back this first week with of March with our last community update before Season 2 releases next week. That’s right, there is only one more week until you not only get to experience a brand-new season but one that also comes alongside a new patch/update! As you may know, every other season comes alongside a substantial in-game update.

Sometimes that may be an update focused entirely on fixes, improvements, or optimizations, but most of the time it is a big mixture of those quality-of-life aspects of a patch mixed wi...

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Originally posted by Dippatel7320

Are we going to have community update today??

Yup! It is imminent.