Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

02 Dec

Originally posted by TWlGG

They do giveaways on the official codm discord server

Just a quick correction to this, but there is no "official" CODM Discord. They are all community run, but we do participate in a few of them. Even this Reddit community is entirely community run and the mods/admins here are kind of enough to just support our interactions and posts.

Originally posted by iamblue07

Also, the Bronze Arrow skin for the M16 and FHJ from the new seasonal challenges are suffering from a visual bug.

Hey, thanks for reporting that but could you share some specifics or direct us to any threads that you've seen showing that or sharing more info about it?

Originally posted by IG_ROOKIE

Hey dev, seems like some players received wrong reward perk due to this bug, will you send the right one to them?

Hey, yeah that's a good call-out and we'll have do our usual process for that. First we'll check to see how many people received the wrong perk and then we'll likely send out a replacement, with the correct perk, via the in-game mailbox.

Heya u/DavidXzX! We saw some other of your posts and ended up looking through a wide swath of your creations, memes, and various other interactions here. Love it all, especially your commitment to puns below and your commitment to Spectre haha. We'd love to highlight this post this week and your Winter/Christmas ruin in the community update.

Normally we'd ask to see if there are any other accounts you post your artwork/designs on, like IG, Twitter, or any social channels. Anyways, let us know and feel free to send a PM with any follow-up questions. Thanks and well done!

We see you and we are on it! Thanks for this report. It is always great and appreciate to see a bug report immediately after something launches and with such clear information. Hang tight!

Update 12/2 - This should be fixed now! Please reach out if you see any other issues.

01 Dec

30 Nov

28 Nov

27 Nov

26 Nov

Originally posted by vstrange_

Are there any plans to bring prestige mode to cod mobile?

Heya, not at the moment! It is a staple of Call of Duty, well at least Treyarch COD titles, and we've definitely discussed it, but it is a bit of a challenging one to not make shallow. It can't just be there for the sake of more leveling, it needs some kind of new rewards or unlocks to go after. Could still happen in the future, but no plans for it at the moment.

Originally posted by maverickbluezero

Codm devs what is the news regarding the test server?( last weeks CU you said this one will have news on it).

Also would be cool if we had a community update with a video(s) on who the codm devs are and what the workplace looks like. So we get to know the amazing developers of this game more.

We have a section on the Public Test Build in the update above :P, but it should be coming early December.

Also, yeah we've thought about doing some behind the scenes videos. There honestly probably would have been some at this point if not for 2020 and the Pandemic. That makes everything a tad bit complicated, especially anything in person.

Originally posted by itsNotUglyGod

Suggestion: There are too many emotes and sprays in the game. twelve slots are not enough anymore. Devs, please, add at least an extra 4 circles with 12 slots in each...i actually made a concept if you guys wanna take a look!

Interesting suggestion and thank you! We will see what we can do to check it with our dev teams to see if they have anything similar coming in the future or if there is any kind of response we can share back.

Originally posted by No-Transportation435

The question is WHENNN??

Should be early December! Just depends on when we get it all setup.

Thread for 10 Men Regiment Missing Items
Hey everyone, like we mentioned above if you think you are missing items still from this event please respond below and let us know the following:

  • UID
  • Which Items You Are Missing (HVK-30 Tin Stitched or the related Tank camo)

That is it! That's all we need to look into that and verify. We'll check back in soon after the holiday and start looking to see what we can do to help. Thanks to anyone who takes the time.

Update 12/5 - We were unable to verify claims about missing 10 Purple XP Cards, but all other rewards are now sent via your in-game mailbox! Thanks to everyone who responded below and for the patience with all of that. Also, an extra thank you to all of the polite and courteous responses. We are thankful for you all.

Originally posted by Flacko_Se7en

So where are the discounts that we expected to come for black friday? All i see is an overpriced luckydraw with a free spin for the f2p players, what about us p2p players?

Heya, we most of the Black Friday releases aren't necessarily straight discounts but unique offers. For instance, the Pitch Black Bundle comes with two Noir themed weapons plus 10 crates. Like you said we have a free draw for the Dark Side Draw, we have a weekly offer that is $1, and a variety of those bundles and crates are just offering overall new content.

If you are going to the F2P route and looking for gear, then we have the Hack The Yard and Undertakers Storm events, the new Seasonal Challenge for the .50 GS, a new credit store update coming. Of course, there is also Knights Divided which has over 15+ pieces of gear up for grabs through several different methods of acquisition.

Originally posted by Grimsmiley666

I know you guys have covered a lot in the last community update and I know you guys said game bug fixes would be coming but when exactly can we expect the bug fixes ? Server maintenance ? Frame rate drop fixes ESPECIALLY in BR ? either way I hope to see CODM thrive I love you guys and all the hard work that you do but please we need fixes for the game I’ve seen so many posts of people saying it’s unplayable for them.

Heya, thanks for following up on all of that and for the general supportive sentiment behind it all! Our next update is coming in early-mid December and before that we'll have the public test build as well to help us gather even more bugs to fix before then. That update is intended to have quite a lot in it in relation to fixes, improvements, and more under the hood types of changes.

Originally posted by ben1234567890123456

Nerf the asm10

Heya, why the ASM10? That's not a common request in the slightest.