Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

28 Oct

Originally posted by OmarElganash

it was introduced around a month or 40 days ago, it will be coming back in credit store for 10k credits in next credit store update probably within next 2 weeks.

It will be back this week actually! Also, to your point about that in the previous response, there is no way this one would have come back so soon if it were not for the community vote aspect of it all.

You may say it is too cheap, but that was the whole purpose of that community vote. Let players decide on something to come back and specifically for very cheap as a way to help celebrate the uniqueness of this anniversary season.

Originally posted by OmarElganash

I totally understand and respect all of the points you have presented..

I have been a paying player all past year, and I have completed multiple lucky draws, gone through many crates and have dozens of paid skins, and frankly, I don't mind any of these legendary guns or old skins to come back in bundles or even in credit store. The cardinal MOW, imo, was too soon to come back but,

The breaking point, for me and most OGs at least, comes with the original lucky draw, the one you mentioned we all agreed was too expensive and many content creators called it a scam back then. but guess what, we, early supporters, still paid the full price for it, no questions asked. We were super excited about the game release back then, we were happy to support it no matter what.

We haven't talked about the Ak47 skin, because of that legendary upgrade, which seemed somewhat fair that we are getting the upgrade for free while, others get the gun for around half the price of what...

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Appreciate the response and your points make sense! Logical and well reasoned. For anything that came out in 2019 it is hard to compare to now since we really hit a clear and well designed cadence in 2020 with all of that type of content. We wish there was some clear and easy solution to that, but we hope it is at least comforting to know that these aren't haphazard choices made by the team who manage the store and they very much care about everything you've brought up.

Also, yes Desync is a constant and perpetual enemy that we also despise. It made far worse by the fact that most of the time it happens there are no clear reasons behind it, like it is always players on iPhones in Belgium (for example). It is still regularly being discussed and investigated in a variety of ways.

27 Oct

Originally posted by OmarElganash

I am not really mad.. just disappointed and discouraged to spend more.. I Mean, even fortnite rewarded the early supporters by giving them the ability to keep their unique skull-trooper by giving it an og varient, only them can have.. I don't really mind if people get the cool skin that I paid for around 300 dollars when it first came out in the og lucky draw, for a 95% discount if you show some appreciation to us og supporters with something unique as well, if we were to buy it the 2nd time for example.. The problem with this game is mainly the high original pricing of item that make them feel exclusive but then they always bring them back with crazy discounts to milk more money and ruin the rarity or exclusivity feeling of the item.

Heya, there is always going be a lot of differing opinions on that subject but thanks for taking the time to share your perspective. We definitely do consider the original folks who got items or rewards (we actually talk about this pretty extensively) to try to make sure a re-introduction of that item or reward doesn't cheapen the original value of it.

The counter-argument against what you are saying usually boils down to the following:

  • New players are constantly cycling into the game and looking for ways to acquire previously released items
  • Some players completely missed the item, for a variety of reasons, when it originally came out and are looking for another chance at grabbing it
  • In this particular lucky draw the AK-47 Pumpkin Head was upgraded to legendary for everyone who already owned it and given a brand-new death effect
  • It has been an entire year since this items had previously been released
  • It costs less...
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26 Oct

Originally posted by Bnanajuice

UID: 6887759294516101121 Date : Today Player name: ...تحبني

Hey, we reported it on up. Thanks for the video and UID! That should be an easy one for the team to review.

25 Oct

24 Oct

Originally posted by M_e_t_a_l

Is the team aware the redeem code website is down?

Yes and it should be fixed now!

Hey everyone, just a heads up but we fixed this a few hours ago! Please head on over and try again. If you are still seeing it reply back to us here so we can gather information and see if there are still lingering issues.

23 Oct

The longer you killstreak became the better and more ridiculous the bonk sound became. Perfect Reddit content haha. Most importantly though, that was an impressive streak with aggressively sneaking upon on people (in the least stealthy way possible) and swinging for the fences.

Originally posted by msmsupto

What's about the Undead Fog - Battle Royale mode?

There's no news for it!!!???

We'll be dropping some information about that over the coming week and leading up to that events release! Just keep an eye out.

Originally posted by Rhys-Malcolm

So it’s look like you guys are finally getting interested in adding full reload animations so I’ll stop asking. Right now there’s still one thing that I’m requesting.

fpp ladder climbing animations!!!!

Have a wonderful night.

Haha, request away! Even if we can't say "sure we'll do that" requests and feedback are always encouraged and welcome. Have a wonderful night yourself!

Originally posted by xanonimox_

Dear Devs! Can we please have a basic clan rename functionality added into the game. It has been more than a year and no changes have been made to clans yet u/COD_Mobile_Official

We agree that clans need some TLC, so there are clan changes and improvements planned. However, we can't discuss them yet until we have them locked down to a specific season or update, and can start revealing or mentioning them leading up to that release. Otherwise, it is too risky that we could say "X feature is planned" and then that gets pushed back for 3 months or even potentially cancelled. We know, no fun and kind of annoying haha, but hopefully that makes sense.

Originally posted by StatusCheap3091

Hi its the 6th time i write the same comment pls answer or something so pl can you fix the redeem code website when i write the the code and thz uid and the verification code its tells me its not the right verification code and it gets me a new one and i write it an then it just keeps loading for like forever and never response??pls fix it or replie explaining the situation and btw i like this mini update ( big for us ) the halloween keep going ur doing well

We are definitely looking into it! Not sure if we responded to you elsewhere, but we see all of the responses about issues with the site and are trying to determine if it is an issue with too many people trying to access it at once or something legitimately wrong.

Originally posted by Hoozah1

Nothing works. Refreshing, different browser nothing. I went through the same thing when redeeming Adler, had to wake up early in the morning and finally got him

It seems, to your point since you said it worked the next morning, that some of this is purely due to some event or marketing pushing a lot of people to that website at the same time. However, you shouldn't have to be finding these "low volume" times to redeem your code. We've been monitoring all of the responses here and will ping the team about it tomorrow to see if they can look into it further.

Originally posted by G_VIBES_47

4) I was talking about the challenge you have to do to unlock it

Oh, we actually just flat out aren't sure what the challenge will be for that yet. It is still being discussed.

Originally posted by BonnieB-007

Can we please get Zombies back? It's perfect for Halloween, plus Cold War is releasing soon and it has Zombies and nacht der untoten as its main map. It would be fitting to get the mode back and finally release nacht alongside Cold War, but it's been 7 months and radio silence from you guys

Zombies are cool and all, but how do you feel about fog? Seriously though, you'll see something pretty soon referencing zombies this Halloween, but it isn't Zombies Mode itself. More like a mode with zombies in it. We still have no news or updates to share on that front about that original zombies mode returning.

Originally posted by Untapped_quart

So when I try to redeem my codes from the Easter eggs on pawn takes pawn I'm getting an internal server error, is that something going wrong on my end, or on your end? Are you working on fixing that error? And will my codes still work if you do fix it? Thanks in advance

Hey, sorry to hear you are running that. We have seen some others mention issues with the site, but they seem to be different per person and some are able to fix it by trying to access it on a different browser, device, or just with some basics like refreshing or clearing the cache.

However, if you keep getting errors like that just reach out to any of the ATVI Support channels we mentioned in the post. They can not only look into that and help, but each ping they get about an issue like this the easier it is to see how many people are actually encountering similar issues.