Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

19 Sep

Originally posted by CrazyAmount5

BR bugs:

  • Light trigger mod stops working when getting out of vehicles (the gun loses the full-auto mode)

  • Defender's passive doesn't reduces damage from tripwires

  • After downing/killing enemy, the camera suddenly flicks away from the target

  • Rare chances, when you exit out of a vehicle, you will be catapulted into the sky

  • No visual animations when using armor plates if you are in a vehicle

  • Prone lock even at the slightest bump on floor. Even on building roofs that is not straight flat

BR feature request

  • Tighter hip-fire: I think hip-fire should be tighter since enemy can have up to 210HP (with lv3 vest and adrenaline shot). Hip-firing in BR is too risky because you will miss most of your shots even at 5-8 meters. We would have to ADS even at that close range just to properly hit our targets. Adding hip-fire attachments ...
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Heya, while by no means can we respond to all of that, we just wanted to say that is an excellent and well written post full of bugs and feedback. Appreciate your clear formatting and fully explained feedback.

For the bugs, do you happen to have any examples we can point to for any of those BR bugs, especially the more visually clear ones like #1, #3, #4, and #6?

Originally posted by awhitesong

Hi when will you add Cryo bomb to the store? It's been more than 3 seasons and those who couldn't get it earlier still don't have it. Thanks.

That's actually part of an upcoming credit store update! It should be here next week. Good timing in relation to asking about that one.

Heya, yeah we had some others ping about this as well and we are most likely just going to change the task entirely to accommodate those who already maxed out on all SMGs. We aren't sure when that will happen at the moment, but we would just recommend checking back in a few days.

Originally posted by HideYourAuntiesLoL

No problem hoping you guys are safe during this time, and yes even after I open the lucky draw i still don’t see the button on the top left hand corner the only thing I see is the video showing the kill effect on the bottom right hand corner.

Very weird. Mind grabbing a screenshot? We can ping the team once they are back in the office, just not tonight at 8 pm on a Friday haha. We aren't familiar with any reason why that might be not showing for you. Also, what kind of device are you on?

Originally posted by rawan281

Any reason i cant mention it once more ? Especially since this is one of the few posts which they mostly see . And the bugs have been affecting the gameplay sufficiently to need as much attention on the matter as possible ?

Heya, just jumping in to see we see those posts and aren't blissfully unaware. Like we mentioned in the update itself, the last update was our biggest ever and that also meant there was the highest potential for introducing a lot of new bugs. We mitigated a lot of that through the multiple public tests server we ran before that Gunsmith update, but there is still a lot more work to do on that front and we have no intention of not working on a variety of different issues.

However, if you do have any specific bugs to report please reference them in a identifiable way other than saying "there are a lot of bugs right now". If you are seeing something yourself and are trying to report it, ping that thread so we can make sure it is something we've already seen or if not something where we can ask questions and report it up.

Originally posted by Arkhonte89

It's one of the events you mentioned in the update (not sure which one). I've just got my hvk-30 tin stiched 2 hrs ago, so I think the delivery is working.

Ohh, got you. Glad to hear you got it. Yeah u/Vette4me35 if this is from Survival Skills or 10 Man Regiment then we are still sending those out (like we mentioned in the post). It should be coming soon if you haven't already gotten it, just keep an eye on your inbox.

Originally posted by Vette4me35

Where is the thread discussing the issue with season 9 not giving out the Tin Stitched skin for the HVK30? Trying to figure out how to track when we might get it for those of us who finished the challenge and never got it. Can we report our name somewhere so it can be given to us?

Hey there, we aren't familiar with that one just based on the information you are giving out. Happen to know which event that was tied to? Was it a seasonal challenge?

Originally posted by CaptainThunderYT

You all are doing Great Work, I really appreciate it. Loved the Makarov Event a lot. The game is going to be 1 year old soon, Can you reveal us something regarding Season 11, a little hint.

Thank you for the support and glad to hear you love that new Hunt for Makarov event! Also, no hints yet haha. It is too early for that. We'll probably start doing that a bit towards the end of the month or at the beginning of October.

Originally posted by itsFalcon55

Hello codm devs, hope ya'll good. Will there be a new test server for season 11? And will there be a tease for the next season or you're keeping it as a surprise for the 1 year anniversary 🤔?

Heya, thanks for the well wishes and we hope you are doing well yourself! We aren't planning to do a test server this time around. We want to keep the majority of Season 11's content pretty secret this time around, but we absolutely will have some teasers coming up in October and a few things planned around our actual anniversary day (October 1st). However, we hope that there will be many great surprises with this release.

Originally posted by macxxiiimus

Thank you for giving the time to listen to the community's feedback, we appreciate the hard work you guys are doing. Just a quick question though regarding the discarded finalist camo which was the Damascus, is there any way that camo will be in game even if it is not the final camo?

Heya, thanks for the kind words and support, especially amidst a large number of comments saying the opposite. In regards to the Damascus camo, yeah it is possible it could return later in some form. We just had several options for that final camo and we ended up going with another one that the dev team preferred, but it is completely plausible that it will return in some form in the future.

Originally posted by HideYourAuntiesLoL

Hey devs hope ur having a fantastic day, I just have one particular bug where I don’t get the intros for lucky draws and the battle pass I don’t know if it’s a big but please fix this

Hey, thanks for the kind attitude. You don't get those intros on the first time you open either of them? That's generally the only time they should play, however even afterwards there is a button to manually play the videos for either. For instance, on the current Honey Badger Draw just click on the little arrow next to the name in the top left. It should replay that video.

Originally posted by Foreign-gamer141

u/COD_Mobile_Official -Hey..So the anniversary is on the 1st of October but the BP ends on the 15th October.So are we getting the anniversary update around then? Also any hints on what’s coming on that special update..and Thank you for the hunt for Makarov event.It was amazing .It was like a mini version of a campaign mission inside of battle royale.I hope you guys keep giving us more events like these and maybe with longer missions.Loved it

Heya, we should have a bit going on around our actual anniversary to celebrate that, but like you noted that isn't the start of the new season. The majority of everything we are doing for anniversary will be tied to that season and update, not on October 1st.

Also, thanks for the kind words about Hunt for Makarov. We've seen a few threads already about that with a lot of interesting feedback similar to yours about how it is a little mini-campaign, and the team that worked on all of that has been excited to see that. The position reception will hopefully lead to more unique events in the future.

Originally posted by BEnJ0_30

test server when?

also fix bug and bundles only!

Heya, no test server this time around. We have too many cool features and content drops in this next release for anniversary that we want to remain secret. Also, like we said in the post we are always looking into a wide variety of different issues and if you are running into anything specific please report it, and not just here on Reddit but through our player support channels.

18 Sep

Originally posted by RealChebuRex

Nope, Reddit is the only one, excited to see the update :)

Desync Issues Thread (Please Reply Here)
Greetings, like we mentioned in the community update above if you are still running into issues with desync (not just general lag) please report that here. We know this one is hard to get good information, like clips showing it clearly occurring, but anything is helpful in that regard. Please let us know the following information:

  • UID (found in your Player Profile in-game and the second tab)
  • Any screenshots or examples (like clips) of the issue
  • Region (as specific as you can be please)
  • What internet service provider do you use for the network you usually play on
  • What is your device type and version (ex. Google Pixel 4s, Android version 10)

Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are a little more than a week into Season 10 now and with plenty of content already released, like Headquarters mode, Terminal map, the Battle Pass, and several seasonal challenges. Today, we have even more releasing with the Hunt for Makarov event, the return of 10v10 mode, and more seasonal challenges to dive into. However, before we jump into that we wanted to take a sidebar from all of the usual season specific highlights to talk about top plays.

We’ve done two social campaigns labeled #AreYouInCODM and they ha...

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17 Sep

Originally posted by [deleted]


Got it. Thanks for that! Feel free to take it down. Also, do you have any social accounts you use to post creative work like this or anything similar you'd like us to promote or share? Otherwise, it should be all good and we'll share tomorrow in the update.

Well that is a weird one that took us multiple watches of this video to even understand what anything had to do with rc car kills. We'll check that one out though and hopefully it is a straight-forward (this always show up incorrectly) so that we can fix it quickly and painlessly. Appreciate the report and video!