Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

18 Sep

Originally posted by RealChebuRex

Nope, Reddit is the only one, excited to see the update :)

Desync Issues Thread (Please Reply Here)
Greetings, like we mentioned in the community update above if you are still running into issues with desync (not just general lag) please report that here. We know this one is hard to get good information, like clips showing it clearly occurring, but anything is helpful in that regard. Please let us know the following information:

  • UID (found in your Player Profile in-game and the second tab)
  • Any screenshots or examples (like clips) of the issue
  • Region (as specific as you can be please)
  • What internet service provider do you use for the network you usually play on
  • What is your device type and version (ex. Google Pixel 4s, Android version 10)

Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are a little more than a week into Season 10 now and with plenty of content already released, like Headquarters mode, Terminal map, the Battle Pass, and several seasonal challenges. Today, we have even more releasing with the Hunt for Makarov event, the return of 10v10 mode, and more seasonal challenges to dive into. However, before we jump into that we wanted to take a sidebar from all of the usual season specific highlights to talk about top plays.

We’ve done two social campaigns labeled #AreYouInCODM and they ha...

Read more External link →

17 Sep

Originally posted by [deleted]


Got it. Thanks for that! Feel free to take it down. Also, do you have any social accounts you use to post creative work like this or anything similar you'd like us to promote or share? Otherwise, it should be all good and we'll share tomorrow in the update.

Well that is a weird one that took us multiple watches of this video to even understand what anything had to do with rc car kills. We'll check that one out though and hopefully it is a straight-forward (this always show up incorrectly) so that we can fix it quickly and painlessly. Appreciate the report and video!

Originally posted by RealChebuRex

I could dm you the clip via a google drive link if that's ok, and I would love to be featured in this community update!

Sure, that would be great! Just send us a PM whenever you get a chance and thanks for responding so quickly. We are aiming to have that update out late tomorrow (PT) or on Friday.

16 Sep

Hey u/RealChebuRex, we've been staring out a bit of your creative designs this week for weapons and we absolutely love a few of them! Any interest in letting us feature you and a few of the designs in the community update this week? The only assistance we would need is getting the clip for something like this one since we don't just post that community update on Reddit.

Also, if you have any social media accounts you use to post artwork (even if they aren't just strictly CODM related) we can share those too. Just let us know and well done with all of these!

Originally posted by Mastroid

Good day everyone. I was hoping for a reply from the developers in the past but they just allowed everyone to own the items given from the giveaway. I chose option 2 because I owned all items from option 1 (excluding the emote), I really wished to own Manta Ray but I just had to scrap that idea because of the bug. I brought it up again since people wanted players to speak up of bugs. So I hope you could upvote in hopes of receiving a reply or something from the developers. (My Username is Mastroid and my UID is 6839431021310967809)

Heya, sorry but what bug are you talking about here, it looks like you just one item twice on accident from that set of items from the giveaway?

Otherwise, are you just saying you asked for the other set option 2 and we didn't give it to you correctly? If so, where did you win at and under what username? I can take a look at all of that to see what option was requested originally.

Heya, thanks for this video and for calling this one out. We honestly never seen anything brought up here in the community related to Simple mode since the majority of people use Advanced. Anyways, we'll check that out and see if we can reproduce it. Are you seeing it on any specific maps or scenarios, like only with people laying in doors, or basically any map and on any map geometry/layout?

15 Sep

We are too and it is just our mistake. We accidentally put it behind instead of in front. We just noted the mistake and hope to avoid anything similar in the future. We always appreciate the call-out though and sorry for any annoyance it may have caused.

We love this style and how it is essentially harking back to old-school video game art (8-bit). Reminds us a bit of the original Metal Gear Solid. Well done Skyfire!

13 Sep

12 Sep

11 Sep

10 Sep

Originally posted by HeitorValero100

It happened to me too,two times.Both were with the Skin from Daily Rewards-Season 9

Oh, Tian Zhao? If so, that explains that bug. We are already looking into that one and just that character skin being all out of wack. Hopefully we'll figure that one out quickly and fix it.