Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

26 Sep

Originally posted by Fast-Watercress6976

I still have not received my missing event rewards 😢🥺 player uid - 6746993468688039937

Is this for Survival Skills and 10 Men Regiment? Are you missing all three of them or just one specific reward?

Originally posted by maverickbluezero

" usual update" being the large updates that comes every 2 months or the small updates in between?

Either, it is our anniversary so we have a lot planned in terms of overall content.

Originally posted by MarcelloJulio

Hello CODM devs!

I have some questions:

1º The Tunisia map will return to domination mode in Season 11?

2º Me and some many other users did not receive yet the HVK-30 skin from the 10 Men Regiment event but received the tank skin of the Survival Skills event. Is there a plan to solve this problem?

Greetings and success to the team!

Greetings to you as well!
1. For maps in permanent modes like Domination they can rotate out a bit each month as we add in other popular or newer maps. We aren't sure exactly when Tunisia will rotate in or out, but we'll try to see if that information is available to share. Also, we do have the map vote for a featured playlist, which could feature Tunisia, at the top of this post.

  1. As far as we are aware everyone should have received those items if they were missing them. Could you please just share your username or UID? We'll double check the list.

Thanks for the well wishes and have a great weekend!

Originally posted by Quiet_Lengthiness423

Is there a chance we get more rare skin (characters). I mean we are tiered of those , just some change of color or skin bring new free characters

Hey there, we actually have those types of characters pretty often as either monthly logins (although usually those are higher rarity), seasonal challenge rewards, or through credit store updates. There are quite a few ways to grab new characters each month through free events.

Originally posted by resperas


I have to say, that’s incredibly disappointing to read. While I took note of your points, we feel it’s IMMENSELY unfair how items are sold at the store, and it surely doesn’t feel like there’s a ton of choice. If we wanted the premium items, we have to gamble to get them, while in MW2019, they’re sold in a bundle with premium pricing. That’s literally what we want.

10 Men Shipment and Survival Skills Event:

You stated it’s fixed, however, I haven’t received the HVK skin or Weapon XP cards, just the tank skin. Are you able to offer insight to that?

Heya, for the 10 Men Shipment and Survival Skills event issue could you just share your username or UID? We can check the list of affected users to basically double check and see if there was some issue with the replacement items being sent out. As far as we are aware that should have received everyone by now.

Originally posted by Rasta_Lance

Hey devs! Just some feedback from a competitive player, i do not think scorestreaks not progressing after rounds on snd is something that should be fixed. Snd is unique in the way each round is a completely new chance to win, not dependent at all on the last round. So even if your team gets destroyed 4 rounds in a row you still have a very good chance to come back because people don’t have operators and crazy kill streaks. A round should not start with someone using a UAV saved from last round. That would be terribly unfair. I’m sure other players would agree with me

Interesting feedback and thanks for reading through it all enough to spot that. That was just being investigated as a potential bug, but we'll double check with the devs to see if that is intended to function that way for the reason you stated.

Originally posted by PHVNTOM34

Looking forward to the Anniversary of this wonderful game❤️

Thanks, us too! There is so coming out then that is appropriately special for our one year anniversary and we can't wait to start talking about it.

Originally posted by UsernameTakenTooBad

Thank you for addressing the store, I hope to see improvements soon! A few questions though:

Can you disclose any info on the anniversary?

Any news on zombies?

What is coming in Gunsmith 2.0?

And a more specific one, will you make all epics in a lucky draw a weapon set? I have the Type 25, SMRS, and Frag Thermonuclear, but not the Chopper, so I can’t get the frame. Newer draws have this and I am wondering if you will make this available on older draws.

Anyways, Happy 1st Anniversary and keep the amazing content and support coming!

Hey there, we are afraid that for your first three questions there isn't any news or information we can share at the moment. We are definitely working on improvements and changes to Gunsmith, but nothing we can call out at the moment. For anniversary, we'll be able to start talking about that soon, but it is still too early as well. Once we get into October we'll start having more to share about that.

Lastly, that is an interesting question in relation to set pieces and how if you missed one it is hard to fulfill that. Generally for lucky draws we are only resurfacing them through other lucky draws, like the recent Redux ones, but we'll ask the team about that situation specifically. Also, thanks for the support and for the early anniversary celebratory comment!

Originally posted by maverickbluezero

codm devs, October is the anniversary, Halloween and a big update. How will you fit all of that together? is anniversary battle pass while rest is Halloween? other way around? or different way?

Heya, yeah they are essentially all together in one update and one season. They do have different themes, to your point, so the anniversary theme will primarily except there a little mixtures of Halloween in there and then some content drops around Halloween that are 100% themed around that.

Originally posted by Damichia

Can you reveal 1 detail about the next update?

It is coming in October? Haha, nah that's too mean. One detail is that it will be larger than your usual update.

Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are nearing the end of September and that means we are surprisingly already halfway through Season 10: The Hunt. Our next major release is going to be all around our first year anniversary for CODM and the first of our community-based events for that is starting today! We are looking to see what your favorite Multiplayer modes and Multiplayer maps are.

Based on the results of this vote, we will be featuring the winners in community playlists around and during our anniversary season. We’ll have this vote going in multiple areas, in...

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25 Sep