Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

24 Sep

This post is a place for everyone to come give your opinion, and most importantly your vote, on what your favorite all time Call of Duty: Mobile Multiplayer mode is. We are going to be releasing a community voted playlist with the top mode and top maps (or several from the top of each) in October during our anniversary month.

Please vote below by upvoting your favorite modes. We will leave these votes up until Monday September 27th (PT).

Find the Multiplayer maps version of this poll/vote here:

External link →

Poll Option 2 Vote Here

Poll Option 1 - Vote Here

Originally posted by ADITYAKING007

It was firstly added in season 7 beta and its still not there .....

Good ole Overkill. It will definitely arrive sometime, but like we said before Gunsmith made weapon balance amazingly more complicated so we are waiting a bit until we consider dropping the potentially extremely overpowered Overkill into the wild.

Originally posted by AExRADIATE

I like how they condensed the same characters into one slot but tbh, Scrolling sideways is way harder haha

Yeah our original intention behind that was very well meaning haha, especially based on the original way it was all presented. We aren't sure when the next change to that will be, but we have some UI improvements coming. We'll try to highlight them in advance, if we can, from this next major update coming next month.

Stop making awesome art! Well, actually don't and please keep sharing it ;). This is a great combination of our original Dark Matter camos and also the Lava ones. Thanks for sharing it.

23 Sep

Originally posted by COD_Mobile_Official

Hey everyone, we saw some other reports of this issue and are investigating this one already. Thanks for reporting it though and for the video! Hopefully we'll have this one sorted out pretty quickly.

This should be resolved now! Check it again today please and let us know if you are still seeing any issues.

Hey everyone, we saw some other reports of this issue and are investigating this one already. Thanks for reporting it though and for the video! Hopefully we'll have this one sorted out pretty quickly.

22 Sep

20 Sep

Originally posted by CrazyAmount5

  1. No screen record so I'll explain it instead. Both m21 and xpr is single fire when firing. When light trigger mod is equipped, m21 and xpr will be full auto when firing, similar to assault rifle. The bug is, when we exit a vehicle, those guns will return to single fire. Reequipping the mod fixes the bug.

Thank you for all of those references. We left you a comment on that #3 one if you don't mind providing a tiny bit more info there, but you've given us a good idea of how to go about it based on your notes there. Appreciate all of that.

Originally posted by CrazyAmount5

More info on this bug:

  1. On your own screen, your character is gliding but enemies will see your character on the ground, not gliding. The enemies can easily kill you if they are nearby
  2. This bug happens more often when exiting a chopper. Also happens on motorcycle, ATV and ORV.
  3. I've noticed this bug since season 2. This bug doesn't happen much but on season 9, I'm getting this bug more often.
  4. Seems to be occuring more often when I'm rush landing the helicopter and quickly getting out of it.

This is based on my experience playing BR.

Thank you for all of those notes. We'll test that out and see if we can replicate it. Also, what device are you playing on and are you using default HUD/UI or custom?

Originally posted by imran0072020

I am also facing this type of problem

Speaking of which, could you or anyone else running into, like u/Jishnu21 u/KonmanKash, and u/vineethparathil, this please let us know the following (thanks for posting this u/CrazyAmount5):

  • Device type and version
  • Are you using default UI/HUD?
  • Is there an...
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Originally posted by Effective_Force_2522

Will, you guys are working very hard on the best mobile game ever and I appreciate it , you guys should give some hints about next update and also tell us that is there any chance for new BR map in the next update?

Thank you for the support and all we can say about the next update is that it is too early to tease or share anything about that one. S10 just released a little over a week ago haha. You'll have to wait a bit longer until we start teasing some of that content ;)

Originally posted by nilocruz

Perfect and thank you for that link. We'll follow-up there.

19 Sep

Originally posted by CrazyAmount5

BR bugs:

  • Light trigger mod stops working when getting out of vehicles (the gun loses the full-auto mode)

  • Defender's passive doesn't reduces damage from tripwires

  • After downing/killing enemy, the camera suddenly flicks away from the target

  • Rare chances, when you exit out of a vehicle, you will be catapulted into the sky

  • No visual animations when using armor plates if you are in a vehicle

  • Prone lock even at the slightest bump on floor. Even on building roofs that is not straight flat

BR feature request

  • Tighter hip-fire: I think hip-fire should be tighter since enemy can have up to 210HP (with lv3 vest and adrenaline shot). Hip-firing in BR is too risky because you will miss most of your shots even at 5-8 meters. We would have to ADS even at that close range just to properly hit our targets. Adding hip-fire attachments ...
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Heya, while by no means can we respond to all of that, we just wanted to say that is an excellent and well written post full of bugs and feedback. Appreciate your clear formatting and fully explained feedback.

For the bugs, do you happen to have any examples we can point to for any of those BR bugs, especially the more visually clear ones like #1, #3, #4, and #6?

Originally posted by awhitesong

Hi when will you add Cryo bomb to the store? It's been more than 3 seasons and those who couldn't get it earlier still don't have it. Thanks.

That's actually part of an upcoming credit store update! It should be here next week. Good timing in relation to asking about that one.

Heya, yeah we had some others ping about this as well and we are most likely just going to change the task entirely to accommodate those who already maxed out on all SMGs. We aren't sure when that will happen at the moment, but we would just recommend checking back in a few days.

Originally posted by HideYourAuntiesLoL

No problem hoping you guys are safe during this time, and yes even after I open the lucky draw i still don’t see the button on the top left hand corner the only thing I see is the video showing the kill effect on the bottom right hand corner.

Very weird. Mind grabbing a screenshot? We can ping the team once they are back in the office, just not tonight at 8 pm on a Friday haha. We aren't familiar with any reason why that might be not showing for you. Also, what kind of device are you on?