almost 4 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Could you please provide the exact location of this base just so we can confirm if any of these locations are the ones affected by the exploit fixes or by any other change included in the update?
A screenshot of the ingame map pointing at the location would suffice.

Please understand that nobody is getting shunned nor these changes are to be taken personally. Please provide us with the information above so we can better look into this particular issue and see what’s the particular blocker causing this.

almost 4 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Thank you for the location. We’ve sent it to our team to see if we can identify the particular blocker in this case.

over 3 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Hi @Croms_Faithful, apologies for the delay in our response.

We don’t have an update regarding this particular issue now, but we’ll reach out internally to see if we can get some feedback on how (and if) we might be able to address it.

over 3 years ago - Ignasi - Direct link

Hey there,

We’re still on the same block. It does seem that this was caused by some building blocks to prevent errors with NPC and fauna spawns (this seems the lesser cause in Exiled Lands), and exploit fixes. They likely won’t be reverted in that case.
Where we stand now is whether we move forward with considering an option to bypass these blocks with an admin toggle or not. Even though it would seem a no-brainer, an option like this would likely either take a lot of development time to implement properly (which would likely make it fall in the queue of likelihood of implementation), or very likely to break the game if not.

That’s where it is now. News regarding this are slow as the team that’d be in charge of considering this change is currently focused on addressing performance on consoles. That is also why we don’t have any more in-depth info about this other than the above, which is probably old news. But just for the sake of repeating it.

over 3 years ago - Ignasi - Direct link

With that I mean, the only changes that have happened around the areas reported have been of those two kinds. But the anti-exploit fixes seem to be the most likely case for most of the stuff reported here (and 100% the case for those who built outside the green wall). But still, not discarding the fact that there was adjustments of no build areas around camps and POIs. Since the team that is in charge of looking into it hasn’t had the time to properly dive into all and every single of the reports here collected, we can’t with 100% certainty rule out that possibility. But again, the most likely scenario that caused the issues here are anti-exploit and map geommetry fixes.

In that case, a toggle to disallow those anti-exploit changes has been suggested. But currently it’s not on the priority list, as console stability and optimizations are at the top of things to work on.

Once again, this may not be the news you all were looking for, but it’s what we have at the moment. If we hear any new development we’ll update the thread with it. Do also feel free after a reasonable amount of time to ask for an update, in case it has fallen through the cracks.

almost 3 years ago - Mayra - Direct link

Greetings @Croms_Faithful,

Thank you for tagging us. Unfortunately, the only information we have on the building issue is that it was added a blocker to the exact point of your base and it caused the issue you experienced.

At this time we still don’t have plans to provide the slider or option to reduce the building restrictions. We’ll make sure to forward your suggestions to the team once more.

Apologies for the inconvenience.