Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

31 Jan

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Whitequeen

We are aware of this issue and currently looking into it.
You can read more here: Funcom live services down? - #25 by Ignasi

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we investigate.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Laynex

As mentioned previously, please try to reinstall Conan Exiles and see if you are still unable to get the 2.8 update.

    Ignasi on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

We’re aware many of you are experiencing issues when logging into the Funcom Live Services.
We thank you for your patience as our team looks into resolving this issue as soon as we possibly can.

30 Jan

29 Jan

28 Jan

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you so much for this screenshot.

Will be passing this over to the rest of the team for further investigation.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Definitely not the last update Valkyrja :wink:

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes we are aware of the climbing issue as it was reported before here: Climbing, it's not working right - #3 by Dana

If you are also experiencing the walking glitch issue, please let us know if you’ve encountered this on a specific server.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Laynex

If you are experiencing issues with the GamePass version of Conan Exiles, please make sure you try a reinstall.
Feel free to get back to us if you are still experiencing issues.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @ZoloftMuncher

Please make sure you reach out to our team over on Zendesk so they can help you out with some additional details regarding your base.

You can read more about how to submit a ticket here: ...

Read more
    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Cojonan

Are you experiencing this issues on a specific server?
Can you check this is shingle player or a different official server and let us know if the issue persists?

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Everyone,

If you are experiencing issues with character transfers after 2.8, please send us a message/DM here on the forums with the following information:

Server number
Character name
Clan name (if applicable)
Make sure to include @ Dana or @ Community when sending your message.

This way we can look into each case individually and try to figure out what happened with these failed transfers.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Barnes and thank you for bringing this to our attention.

We’ve passed this issue over to the rest of the team for further investigation.
In the meantime can you please provide us with a screenshot of the event log?

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Barnes

This might be caused due to the fixes we’ve introduced in 2.8.
We fixed quite a few building issues that were reported in the past by our players including inverted wedges.

Could you please provide us with a video or some screenshots of what you are seeing?

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Dumaru

Could you please try again without any mods and let us know if the issue persists for you?

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry about the confusion TeleTesselator

I was referring to the list @The7thCrest provided in their reply as additional information.