Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

01 Feb

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Our team is still investigating what are the ramifications of the issue. We’ll update the indicated thread once we know more.

Thank you for your continued patience.

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Thank you for your report. We’ll forward the information to our team.

Please let us know if you find any other issues on our Lands. :slight_smile:

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Thanks for letting us know. We’ll ask our team to investigate it.

Also, please stay away from the green wall! :smiley:


With Update 2.8 you can finally assign emotes to your followers and pets! If you wonder which new emotes have been added to the game as well as where to learn them from, make sure to watch Wak4863’s video!


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    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Everyone,

Regarding the pick-up building pieces issue, the team is currently looking into this further.
So far it seems the issue only happens on old databases/buildings.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we investigate.

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Exiles!

Unfortunately, we are experiencing issues with the transfers at the moment. We ask that you send a message on the following thread with the requested information. We’ll get back to you as soon as we have more news to share.

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31 Jan

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

The future is now:

There is now a ‘List Characters’ button under ‘Account Services’ on the account homepage. You may use this to view characters, level, faction, etc. on your own, without needing to activate/subscribe your account nor making a ticket.

If you run into any issues with this feature, please let us know!


    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Will be closing this thread as it derailed quite a bit.

If you would like to report bugs or feedback, please make sure you use the correct forum section.
All bug reports are passed over to our QA team for further investigation and feedback is passed over to the rest of our development team.

Also please remember to be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said.
If you would like to know more about our social guideline please check out this link: Formatting Guide - Funcom Forums

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Lunchbox138 and thank you for bringing this to out attention.

We’ve passed this over to the rest of the team for further investigation.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings everyone and thank you for providing us with this information.

We will look into all your accounts as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work on this.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Could you please let us know on what type (stormglass, sandstone, etc) of building pieces you’ve noticed this issue?

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Whitequeen

We are aware of this issue and currently looking into it.
You can read more here: Funcom live services down? - #25 by Ignasi

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we investigate.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Laynex

As mentioned previously, please try to reinstall Conan Exiles and see if you are still unable to get the 2.8 update.

    Ignasi on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

We’re aware many of you are experiencing issues when logging into the Funcom Live Services.
We thank you for your patience as our team looks into resolving this issue as soon as we possibly can.

30 Jan