Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

25 Mar

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Our team is aware of this issue and is trying to teach them corpses some physics 101.
Thanks for your feedback.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @WaltZie

Thanks for the feedback, we’ll send it to our team so they can look into it.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

We’ll send note to the Elitexiles Blood Bank to perform extractions more often.
Thanks for the feedback.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Our team fixed internally the issue that made Starved Exiles the only kind of waves most players got purged with. This fix should be released in an upcoming patch soon.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the updated info. They’re still looking into it but there’s not been much progress on this issue yet unfortunately, as most of our team has been focusing on bringing the parity patch to consoles.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Our team is aware of this issue and they’re looking into it.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Our team is working on ways of making all zones more enticing to explore again. And that’s as much as we can say at the moment :slight_smile:
Thanks for your feedback.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

It seems that it is a UI issue. The interface shows the character regenerating 0,5HP/s, but in reality it is regenerating the intended 1HP/s

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

It seems a minor UI issue. The tooltip should be clearer and state the functionality better than it does right now. We’ve sent note to our team so they can iron that out :slight_smile:
Thanks for your feedback.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Raffnuss

Are there any mods installed in that server?
If not, could you send us the database of that server via private message so our team can look into it?

Thanks for your feedback and patience :slight_smile:

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

We’re aware of this issue and our team is looking into it. The more information we can gather about this, the sooner our team can isolate this problem.
We’re interested in knowing the server name and location on which you’re experiencing this issue (if it’s an official server) and its database (if it is a private server and you’re the admin of such server).
You can send us these details privately via private message if you feel like it’s sensitive information.

Thanks for your patience and collaboration :slight_smile:

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for letting us know and really glad to hear everything worked itself out. Enjoy your stay in the Exiled lands :slight_smile:

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Our team is working on a fix for these issues as we speak. We don’t have any estimates yet, but we’re aiming to deploy it as soon as we can on all platforms affected.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Since this happened in a private server, are there any mods installed?

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Testlive servers are handled by us internally. We restarted the server and gave it a few minutes of testing. Everything seems to be working as intended.
Please let us know if this issue persists.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everybody,

Our team is aware of this issue and they’re looking into it.
It would be helpful if you could either share your db with us (if it’s your own server), or telling us in which official server this is happening and the coordinates on which you’re experiencing this problem. You can do so privately if you want, by sending any of our staff a private message.
Thanks for your collaboration and your patience.


Thanks for the feedback, Rose :) At the moment we're evaluating player feedback and looking at what options we have.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @NiHammaWassa

It seems you were affected by a currently known issue introduced with the building optimizations. Current workaround is to relog into the game.
Regarding looting your corpse, the looting is done through the tombstone, not the corpse. This change was introduced to prevent previous situations in which the player’s corpse could disappear under certain circumstances.
Finally, to report server outages and ask for a server restart, you can access the tool ...

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    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Andy-Berto

Regarding the crashes, please remember to send the crash report through the PS4 dashboard so our team can take a look at it.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @furroy

Thanks for your feedback. As @Jim1 mentioned above, we’ve had some reports in the past about this problem, but it was impossible for us to reproduce it internally. The way you reported it it gives the impression that it could be a UI problem, so maybe with this extra new bit of info our team can finally crack it down. :slight_smile: