Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

27 Mar

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

We’re aware of this issue and our team is looking into it.
Thanks for your feedback.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Our team is aware of this issue and they’re looking into it with one uncovered eye.
Thanks for your feedback.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Wayfaring_Stranger

Sorry to hear of your hardware malfunction :frowning:
Thanks for all the information you shared with us and your patience, and hope to see you back again in the future :slight_smile:
We’ll continue working on improving on the game and hopefully, this nasty crash won’t be there to see that day :slight_smile:

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The server does not actually know about Discord, it’s the Launcher program that does that, sending messages both to the Discord Chan and to the server through RCon’s protocol.

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26 Mar

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @qdraxter

Welcome to our community.
We’re aware of both issues and our team is looking into them.
Please take a look at this thread for future reports as well :slight_smile:

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    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Barnes

Thanks for the report, we’re sending it to our team :slight_smile:

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

There were some issues with some of our EU servers. They should be up and running in the next 20 minutes.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Have you tried verifying the integrity of the game files through the Steam client?

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

What exactly happens, it does stay running, does not even show the confirmation dialog asking if we want to quit?

Guess I’m probably missing som WM_CLOSE or something like that in the code.

Always so annoying to test stuff that involves restarting a machine :smiley:

Regarding the password thing, I checked your logs (I forgot to answer, sorry...

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Originally posted by BasedStickguy

Yea, my computer actually overheats a lot when running this game

Also how would you uninstall geforce?


If it overheats a lot it could be that. If you're tech savvy enough you could try to open your laptop and clean any obstructed fans or dust inside. Also renewing the thermal paste goes a long way in preventing any overheating.

As for how to uninstall Geforce Experience:

  1. Open the Start Menu.
  2. Search for “add or remove programs“.
  3. Click on the search result titled Add or remove programs.
  4. Look through the list of programs installed on the computer and locate and right-click on the listing for NVIDIA GeForce Experience.

The ticket ID basically lets you know it was successfully submitted. We can also use it to find your email if needed. :slight_smile: Depending on the nature of your email, CS may not be able to assist though. Is it a bug report or issue with your game? If it’s something like this, I would suggest posting it in the forums here! Otherwise, feel free to DM me and we can go from there.


According to one of our programmers it's just a bug. We'll get it fixed :)


Originally posted by jankndrive

I'm more concerned about bases that have poofed due to the people never coming back and all of a sudden you have 20 wolves, some bears, and a rhino standing in noob river that don't seem to ever go away... We have an area near our base that has like 30 plus hyenas that we just started trying to clear out today.. real annoying.

If their owner doesn't log back in to "refresh" them, they'll die automatically after 2 weeks :)


This has already been fixed internally and will be fixed in a future patch. In the future, please PM anyone from the team (see sidebar) about exploits and don't post them publicly :)

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Our team is working on a fix and it should be released in the next patch.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Fastorro

Thanks for your feedback, we’re sending it to our team so they can look into it.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Our team is aware of this issue and they’re working on it.
Thanks for your feedback.