Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

24 Mar

    Fia on Forums - Thread - Direct

You’re my hero!

23 Mar


Originally posted by Evodius

Here's my long post. u/Funcom_Ignasis has tried really hard to help us, but there's no telling what's wrong.

They can't even play singleplayer now, it just keeps telling them it can't make the world or something.

Weird thing is, one of them came over to my house and we logged onto his Steam account from my PC and it said the same thing (with my Conan Exiles install file, which I know is good) then we logged me in right after and I could play fine.

All right. I am currently travelling but it sounds like they are on the case. That sounds very weird, too :( sorry to hear they are having issues.


Originally posted by Evodius

I wish they'd figure out the reason why half of my group can't play anymore after the last update.

Game-wise it's amazing, we're all legitimately bummed they can't join in on the fun.

What is happening with the ones who cannot play? What is the issue?

22 Mar

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Possibly nothing, what I asked people to send me was text configuration files and screenshots, for the text files they basically added them in “preformatted text” section in their posts.

That being said, I asked to our community site people if we could have an official Funcom system to share stuff with players (kind of private dropbox/google drive/whatever) to help with support requests in a safe and protected environment (you know, GDPR compliant, regularly flushed when not necessary anymore, etc…)

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve successfully used private messages for that before :slight_smile:


Wassup! I checked with the devs to see what’s going on with that.
The intent is for it to indeed be distributed on other characters in the account so this is a known issue that’ll be fixed up soon. Sorry about that!

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, thanks for bringing this up. We just made a little change that will grant you an extra character slot on both RK2019 and Live if you purchase a new slot. This is also retroactive from the RK2019 launch, so if you purchased an extra slot since March 6th you should have an extra slot for both Live and 2019.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Dunbar

Our team is aware of this issue and is up in our Trello board for our community to vote on for prioritization :slight_smile:

Thanks for your feedback

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, thanks for the report.

Could you provide me your ini files (engine.ini, game.ini and serversettings.ini) which should be in the ConanExilesDedicatedServer\ConanSandbox\Saved\Config\WindowsServer folder?

Additionally, could you:

  • Open Engine.ini in a text editor, and validate that you correctly have a “[OnlineSubsystem]” section, with a “ServerPassword=(your password here)” entry that matches your password
  • Start the DedicatedServerLauncher and see that you have the password correctly displayed
  • Press Save, and Quit the Dedicated Server Launcher
  • Check again with the text editor that your password is still there
  • Go to the root of ConanExilesDedicatedServer and manually launch “StartServer.bat”
  • When the server has been started for a few seconds, check in the text editor if the password is still there
  • Manually close the server and do the server start again a number of time, to see if at some point the pass...
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    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Is this still happening? We had to bring the live server down temporarily on Wednesday to resolve an issue but everything should be OK now. We did a quick server restart today (Friday, Mar 22) to up the 2019 level cap to 45.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Issue cannot be resolved on the forums. Please don’t advocate spamming us or other ‘drastic’ measures, as that only further strains our resources and will result in even longer wait times for everybody.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

We confirm you have a couple tickets in the system and we’ll work to answer you as quickly as possible. We cannot offer direct account and billing support on the forums however, so we must kindly ask you for your patience while we work to resolve your issue via your email tickets. Thank you!


Originally posted by BadlanderZ

Yes the purge bar is totally fine (full as always). But no purges spawning, eventlog says there's multiple a day, like before. My suspicion is that our mainbase is too big , maybe change the UI to chose the purge location, we have many small bases around the map which are better for purges because a) we would have to actually fight and not just watch our animals eat them up and b) better chances at catching an alchemist armorer or blacksmith without having to move dozens of animals first (which never works with the new aggro changes). I suggest to make them spawn at smaller outposts instead of mainbases, not to make it easier but to actually make it work!

Oh, that issue in particular is the one our team is actually looking into right now. We've been gathering some reports and info from our community for the past week and sending it to our devs as it was extremely unreliable and difficult to find a repro case for it. We hope to be able to share good news about it soon, but until then we appreciate your patience!

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi friends, customer support is still backed up but finally getting a handle on everything. If you submitted a ticket we’ll definitely work to respond as quickly as possible. I know the wait times have been long. Thank you all so much for your patience.

However, this:

Is simply not true and while I understand you may have been waiting for a reply for some time, please understand that GMs are working as hard as possible to respond to everyone’s tickets. Remember, our support staff take tickets for all our games, not just AO.


Originally posted by [deleted]

I mean the way it's organized on the actual forum though. I only ever read them on the forum. It goes 'Patch Highlights', then 'TLDR Summary' and then finally 'Patch Notes'. I originally stopped after seeing 'TLDR Summary', figuring I didn't need a TLDR as I had actually bothered to read what was there. To me, the actual Patch Notes are the meat of the post and that preceding TLDR threw me off the scent.

Oh, gasp! We'll send your observation to our patch note scribes then :)

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

We do.


I completely understand that you’re frustrated and I’m sorry we weren’t able to find a solution to your problem. I wish you good luck in your future endeavors.

If there are still players who are experiencing audio issues in the game we ask that you make a new thread.