@FoldableHuman: Line Goes Up - The Problem With NFTs
self-discipline is too much work i'm gonna buy myself one of those cat treat dispensers that only operate at set times of the day but for human snacks
massively multiplayer btw
open-world sandbox game taking place in a single hallway
oh and please stop letting people frame NFTs as a technology issue. there's very little actual technological progress involved it's almost entirely just 90s web tech held up by black-hat social engineering
maybe i don't have to just be an indie game dev this year. maybe i can be an absolute little hater too. maybe some things are worth hating
to clarify by "favorite" i mean i despise it with every fiber of my being
my favorite pro-crypto take i've ever seen was this guy going "hah whenever i see folks go 'cryptocurrencies use up more energy than an entire country' they use a bigger country every time. they can't even keep their story straight!"
hexagon profile pics are basically an official way to stick a "kick me" note on your own rear it's great
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i'm just so tired
running around the marketplace of ideas getting my grubby hands on the produce and kicking stuff off the stalls
@shaktool: Here's what I perceive to be the different types of 2D solid walls based on how they answer the above question, all in one biβ¦
@shaktool: I made a reference chart for ways to design environment art for solid boundaries of 2D video games! For indoor scenes, we donβ¦
re: Microsoft buying Blizzard-Activision for 70 bil - honestly i care so little about blizzard by now i'm only expecting the news to come out of this to be either good or at least entertaining
@miukumauk yea
@Mossworm1 oh i would love for a mite or small crustacean to carry on my legacy
speedrunners discovering glitches and exploits in your games has got to be a mixed feeling like. okay you've got some fresh bugs to fix. but should you really? they worked so hard to find them
i have never seen a Steam profile comment section that wasn't a warzone of ancient memes
@moawko the sheer girth of this tweet
by 2026 social media platform policies and omnipresent crypto integration will have become so unbearable we'll all go back to hosting our own personal websites with handcoded HTML. this is not a prediction this is a desperate plea