they should make a few new things illegal every year. just completely at random. maybe don't even tell us what it is. keep us on our toes
an internet thing you gotta watch out for is if you google "can you cook [ingredient] with [other ingredient]" you will always find someone somewhere who's like "yeah try it it's good here's a recipe" even if the combination is totally inane. don't let their sins validate yours
@ai_curio @TheIckiestBat oh hell yeah
feed all of Google Earth into a neural network i wanna explore ai worlds
when a piece of media says "and that's why greedy corporations will destroy everything for everyone" they're not talking to bezos and zuckerberg, they're talking to you as a decent human being. bezos and zuckerberg's interests begin and end at pleasing shareholders
i need you to understand that when tech companies try to emulate the evil megacorps in satirical sci-fi movies it's not because they don't understand satire, it's because they are actual real-life evil megacorps and they operate by evil megacorps rules
they should come out with new flavors. just in general
melee weapon that uses ammo
everyone needs a creative outlet to stick a creative fork into
love it when games address my specific extremely annoying playstyle with "yes you can do that. now can we get on with it please"
dystopias are getting too real and utopias feel too improbable. i propose a third kind of escape: a world that's just okay
topdown game boy adventure games always got that beach that faces south
on the old Multi-User Dungeons of the 90s once you reached max level you were granted the title of wizard, which gave you both admin powers and game content creation abilities. in no way did it go wrong ever and i think we should bring it back
@Mossworm1 i'll chip in i'm sure i can find some spare change
new year's eve in the netherlands is great, there's about one bootleg firework explosion every 3 seconds in the neighborhood right now. by midnight it'll average around 17 per second
twitter should let u put a little box on your profile that displays an old tweet of yours at random. just picks a different one every day, maybe popular ones by default. and if it manages to unearth a really embarrassing one u forgot about well that's the game babey
i wanna live in there so bad you have no idea
@Mossworm1: I'm also against NFTs in a magic hypothetical scenario where they're environmentally neutral so please don't bother telling…
do they make a soda that's spicy. i wanna sip on spicy soda
one of my favorite things is the ability to add context-dependent thoughts to living things