
Dauntless Dev Tracker

29 Sep


Originally posted by EmberKoi

I'm pretty sure I speak for almost everyone when I ask, when is a new weapon coming??

Not part of what we're talking about for today's AMA, but we'll have an upcoming blog in the coming months focused on weapons which will likely also talk about new weapon classes.


Originally posted by peetar

I never liked "tracking" the Behemoths. It just wasn't fun to load into a big map (that you had memorized from playing dozens of times before). And spending the first few minutes spreading out and running to one of the 4 or 5 pre-generated spawn points. It felt more like a chore, than a hunt. And then if you didn't kill the behemoth fast enough, you'd have to repeat the "hunt" all over again. Any plans to change how the start/interludes of pursuits work?

While I'll leave it to others to go into more details, we are currently talking about at any given stage of a pursuit, putting compass information, or a beam of light, or flares, or some other marker to indicate where it takes place. Ensuring it's always clear where you need to go to accomplish the objective.


Originally posted by Saphir_blue

Hello, do you intend one these things below: - monsters gaining stackable buff atk for instance + can apply some debuff to slayers (minus atk/def) along with other malus (poison, fire.....) - revamp rewards for gauntlet: uneven distribution (used pots x efforts) + add a way to have some free platinums - raid mode

The first one is something that will happen, though it is generally tied to the current status debuffs. We will talk about it soon, but the revamped buff system also gives behemoths opportunities to give players debuffs that move their buffs in the opposite direction.


Originally posted by PrinceUldrenSov22

Will Pursuits also include Lore and secret Side Quests along with Hunting Grounds?

You might even learn about about the world through the new Map ;)


Originally posted by Icy-Bee-2157

So sadly I won’t have the opportunity to be present during the AMA so I am going to ask my questions now and hope they‘ll get answered:

First of all again the things you brought up in the block just sound incredible. I mean honestly one of my questions for this update blog was if we will get a world map like in open beta and boom there is the confirmation…this is just incredible and will bring more clearance and lore to the game and how this world is structured….just thank you so much…if it is any like the map we had back than it’ll be great…

So on to my questions:

1.Since this mode will be substitute Hunting Grounds I am assuming all those maps will be transferred over to this new mode am I correct?

  1. Are original Island Models like old ember Thorne cove, the prototyp for restless sands or boreal outpost returning? I mean I like the new models as well but since hunting grounds they just went out of the game and to have much variety in the new...

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I am very excited about the map. That's all I will say about it now ;)

Substituting hunting grounds was some early thinking - but feedback from the community so far is clear that we should at least take another look at that.

We're taking a look at all the islands and seeing what makes sense. I would expect all of the existing islands to remain and potentially some of the old that work for what we need.

Yes gliders.


Originally posted by Efimity

This is more of a suggestion then a question but, will we have a way to still go for random behemoths in hunting grounds and I was thinking wouldn’t it be cool if we can create a pool of behemoths ourselves while going for randomized pursuits so it can make it more fun for end game players just fight the behemoth they like with still a bit randomization.

We've talked about Patrols which could queue you up for any hunt but I'm hearing a lot of feedback this week about wanting to keep some of the randomization of hunting grounds. So we will certainly be considering that as we move forward.


Originally posted by Falminar

how will this system interact with the islands that are already established to exist - will each pursuit have a random island like they used to, have the same island for the same behemoth always, or?

will some of the existing islands established by the hunting grounds be cut, or are you expecting to be using all of them in this mode?

New encounters may include things like other wandering Behemoths and other adversarial creatures you can fight, Behemoths attacking NPCs or structures on the island, shrines, and more!

you just gonna randomly drop the word "shrines" with no elaboration?

All of the islands would have a home. Potentially excluding the ones that are duplicates.

And yes I am.


Originally posted by ninekpinek

Will you bring back desperado outfit in store or any other way for players to get it? Im also wondering if there are any plans to make a new omnicell or to add a new type of range wepon in game any time soon?

yes to desperado. Maybe to prime loot.
yes to the second sentence.


Originally posted by HoxtonNotHouston

Is the new gamemode a redesign to the old Hunts (from before Hunting grounds)?

We're taking a lot of inspiration from those old pursuits. They had some good benefits, but they wouldn't be exactly the same.


Originally posted by Kensekaru

- Are Arcstones coming back?
- Can we expect to see behemoths running away from arenas again?
- Will pursuits be able to contain multiple monsters in hunts? Kind of like a hybrid between old pursuits and the current hunting grounds.

No, but we are looking at parts/upgrade materials in general
likely not, it usually felt more like a chore in practice
yeah they potentially could. Perhaps a weaker behemoth, perhaps a puzzle or a locked treasure chest or a group of small creatures guarding a shrine of power etc


Originally posted by Gullible_Drive823

what is inside the black meteor in gauntlet?

Something special


Originally posted by chaddykev

Will patrols be reintroduced in anyway

Yes, patrols are a tool to help keep queues healthier.


Originally posted by BerriesPicking

Are hunting grounds being replaced completely? Or is it just another game mode? After coming back to the game after a few years I like that I can continuously hunt behemoths without having to go through load screens every time compared to the pursuits when the game first came out. Getting rams and weapon xp is so much more doable

Part of the goal for this AMA is to get feedback like this! So no concrete plans to replace completely!


Originally posted by Efimity

You told you want to bring back pursuit like game mode with a lot more stuff to do as side quests? I really like that idea but may I ask, if you will keep a level up system won’t that cause us to spend more time in loading screen still? The reason why Hunting Grounds were introduced was to make it so you cab spend more time playing then loading screens, how do you plan to deal with this?

Couple ways that can happen -- hunt times in general should increase across the board. Behemoths will take a bit longer to defeat. It may make sense to have both kinds of modes. Pursuits have a lot of benefits that we lost when we removed them -- but they did have the benefit of less loading screen times.


Originally posted by Sara_askeloph

Hunting grounds are still rather popular with a considerable amount of the community, will you be removing them as a garuntee?

Since the blog went up, we've heard a lot of interest in keeping that kind of open hunting feel for Dauntless. Part of the goal for us today is get this kind of feedback as we move forward. So no, not guaranteed to remove them.


Originally posted by twit-twot

Will there be special event pursuits for keystone behemoths? say once a month, a specific keystone behemoth becomes available in pursuit.

An escalation is already a sort of pursuit, isn't it? :)


Hey everyone, we've shared our plans for the new game mode & new creatures in this dev blog yesterday.

We thought it would be a good time to answer any questions you may have about anything outlined in the blog, and the main game mode in general.

We will be here answering questions from 2.30 - 3.30 pm PT today. (i.e., in about an hour from now)

Please only submit up to 3 questions so everyone gets a chance to be heard. The comments will be displayed via contest mode which hides comment vote score and displays them in a randomized order to give each question a chance to be seen.


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In our September dev blog for The Shattered Isles, we discuss a revitalized game mode that is being prototyped to potentially replace the current Hunting Grounds, and introduce some new inhabitants of the Shattered Isles!

➤ Read the blog now: https://playdauntless.com/news/the-shattered-isles-new-game-mode/

We'll be having an official AMA with the dev team on Friday, September 29, 2023 2.30 PM PT right here in ...

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08 Sep


To celebrate the launch of Phoenix Labs’ second title Fae Farm, we’ve put together an all-new, cosmetic bundle of Fae Farm-inspired items for all Slayers! 🌱

Head over to your in-game Inbox now to redeem this cozy FREE gift! 💝

Blooming Bundle

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05 Sep

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NinjaMaster231456

it’s nice to see another Nioh fan.

Nioh is one of my favourite games of all time!