
Dauntless Dev Tracker

20 Aug


Originally posted by chobuns

OMG thank you so much!! 🙈🍓 btw i love your username 🥺

Omg I love yours too!! Do you also love bunnies <3

19 Aug

18 Aug


Alright! We're wrapping this one up.

Thanks for all the amazing questions and we hope we gave you some insight into the whacky world of audio.


Originally posted by therealkian3421

how did you record all weapon sound effects?

Our old Audio Director did a lot of metal recording before he left. Had a lot of weird metal scraps laying around the studio for a while.


Originally posted by EddyTheEttercap

Are there gonna be more behemoths with attacks based around audio cues like Shrowd? It would be neat if you could track the Stalker and Thrax in their portals using sound or something similar?

Good question! We are always striving to tie the Behemoth/creature design to audio as tightly as possible. I think you'll be happy with the audio integration with our next Capstone :) The concept of Audio serving the gameplay and providing 'tells' has always been a goal for us. If you are listening to the SFX to inform your moves, we've done our job.


Originally posted by Akashura

What's your favorite sound you composed/which are you most proud of?

I recently worked on the sword rework sound which is something I really love and proud of. All the combos are new and unique. It gives me a great opportunity to recreate some of the sword elemental sounds.


Originally posted by PianoCrab196963

Hey! I got 2 questions:

  1. What sounds did you use for Thrax (the laugh, other normal noises)? It sounds really cool.

  2. Who’s idea was it to use a squeegee for koshai’s sounds?

Also Cris Velasco I love your work with the dauntless OST! My favorites are koshais and skarns themes (earth mover I believe) and pangar/hellions (it came from the north). What was your favorite piece you worked on?

I think Malkarion and Torgadoro are some of the most recent ones that are my favorites (in terms of combat music). We also recently went back and recorded those pieces with a live orchestra and choir. I've just made some new musical "suites" with those themes. I'm excited to share them soon!


Originally posted by wie7nightmare

How come subiwatson is so dashingly handsome? It's hardly fair for the rest of the world, knowing we can only hope to one day become as stylishly suave as he.


( ̄▽+ ̄*)


Originally posted by Krellastus

When is this next release? My Platinum is ready! Lol

You'll just have to wait and see!


Originally posted by FloweringFlames

How did you make the sounds the shrowd makes?

Shrowd is a very interesting blend of human vocals, crows, and some very mind-bending audio processing!


Originally posted by DrNonsense

Love the game y’all!

1) What real world prop did you most enjoy recording for the game, and what did you use it for?

2) Whats your favourite environment in the game to design sounds for, or just explore and take in the scenery?

Keep up the great work!

1: One of the first things I recorded were some impacts for the Dummy in the training island. I had a bunch of spare lumber in the back yard and some huge rounds from a tree we just fell, so I stacked it all up and used a Sledgehammer to hit the pile of debris. This is the sound you hear when you hit the dummy.

2: I did a bunch of design work for the new Ramsgate, there are some cool little areas like what I call the 'Zen' area behind the Bazaar, hang out there and feel the peaceful vibes :)


Originally posted by Siralop2006

How do you make the sound effects in Dauntless?

Sorry, this question is very, very broad! Our team uses a ton of software, foley work, instruments, orchestras, and choirs.


Originally posted by EvilWaifu

I just like the "Hraaaaah" as your slayer lunges with the pike 👍

And I also like how you try to femanise the sounds slayers make if it's a female gender.

Most of all, I would like more peaceful music like what you have on the wide open relatively flat terra map - it helps me to forget my RL worries and immerse in Dauntless. Can we have more of that to match the fantastic map sceneries please?

I always like the peaceful music in Dauntless too, and I look forward to doing more in the future!


Originally posted by DrNonsense

Love the game y’all!

1) What real world prop did you most enjoy recording for the game, and what did you use it for?

2) Whats your favourite environment in the game to design sounds for, or just explore and take in the scenery?

Keep up the great work!

  1. If you remember we had an easter event going on earlier this year where you could collect eggs and heard bunnies into a pen. I had a TON of fun with this. The sound of picking up the eggs was made using my finger and popping it out of my mouth. (Like so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&v=IgzyaEz4mC4&feature=emb_title ) The bunny vocalizations were made using a combination of my voice and a rubber ducky I had lying around!
  2. I got to design some Umbral environment sounds for the Umbral Escalation; more specifically, that la...
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Originally posted by Charetta

Aw man, I forgot to ask another question. I'm just gonna throw it in here, whether it gets answered or not (I didn't expect that many people to ask about Behemoth sounds):

The Ramsgate race has its own music with a high tempo on the violin. Is the violin music made with a software or was that actually someone going wild with the violin?

That's all live violin! I wrote the piece specifically for my good friend. She's an amazing violinist and her playing adds a nice sense of urgency to the race I think. Glad you liked it!


Originally posted by DrNonsense

Love the game y’all!

1) What real world prop did you most enjoy recording for the game, and what did you use it for?

2) Whats your favourite environment in the game to design sounds for, or just explore and take in the scenery?

Keep up the great work!

Hi DrNonsense,

  1. There are so many! I love to record anything sounded interesting to me. I love to collect weird instruments, like Aztec whistles that I got in Mexico, or toys, glimes, even my shower bombs for those bubble sounds.

  2. I love any enviroment looks like unique and different. Something that I can make more imaginal sound effects that can be expended based on the scene. However, Every evironment has its unique way. For audio design, my taken on is that sounds can play out way more rather than visual, we can recreate the scene and make is even more lively and emotional.