@val1smike You are a sadist 😉
@ChadxNipples You are going to have to be patient for now. The improvements will be introduced with the upcoming update.
@ChadxNipples There will be.
@ChadxNipples ...to get rewards. We got you covered ;)
@ChadxNipples Hello and thanks for the question. We are currently working on improvements to the base building system to make it more rewarding.
@Spuddyboi11: This is one my favourite pictures that I have in my collection. It was captured by @bcbaca of me scoping out the summer ca…
@D4VIDOS Hello! It is our policy not to discuss the upcoming update until we have all its contents finished and tested. Please be patient. We will reveal more about the update 1.08 in due time.
@valaki998 @DayZDevTeam @DayzTV It is not likely but who knows...
@JohnoReale Good suggestion but it is currently not our priority.
@MrKiller0077 We'd love to help but in this case, you are going to have to go through Steam. Try contacting their support team:
@rhyno656 Thanks for the feedback, Cody! Glad you enjoy the game. We are aware of the inventory issues and are working on a fix.
@valaki998 @DayZDevTeam @DayzTV It is not. Cross-play is not available in DayZ at this point.
@WeThatRemain_ Working on it.
@WullyBee That shot at 11:19! 👌
@Scoobywrxfan555 @billyblazekeen You have an eye for detail 👌
@ForestDUMPP @DeWyvern @billyblazekeen We have been doing this in the past. To our and the community's disappointment, we were unable to deliver on some of our promises. We don't want to repeat that mistake, nor do we want to put our developers under unnecessary pressure. Hope this helps you understand :)
@LosWako @Pip0st @DeWyvern @billyblazekeen True, the game has never been more alive but @Pip0st is right... We cannot ignore the cheaters and can still improve the game a lot. Our work is far from over :)
@SadBoyFripZ @ChernarusNew