@DayDreamZUK @ChernarusNew @rusteeCanucks
@ErroR_FX We are working on improvements and bug fixes as the sale continues.
@cook_viktor The game is currently free for Xbox Game Pass users. We recommend looking into that ;)
@MNagant @MasterID94 @rocket2guns
@ChernarusNew @rusteeCanucks To be fair, apologizing for your success is considered a d*ck move.
@rusteeCanucks @ChernarusNew @rusteeCanucks Btw @ChernarusNew is representing a community server, not any Bohemia Interactive employee.
@rusteeCanucks Anytime 🤜🤛
@rusteeCanucks Yeah, that is a pretty bad answer to your legitimate complaint. We have already added 80 servers and will be adding more. If you're having issues getting into the game, we recommend trying out some of the community servers. Sorry for the inconvenience and the stupid answer :/
@rusteeCanucks What makes you say that? How can we help you?
@nasty63er There is a chance but we'd rather not comment on it any further at this point.
@MasterID94 Would you like DayZ 2?
@HammerRue @ChernarusNew This is awesome! 👏
@ArrianaOnDayZ Can't wait :)
@ChernarusNew: Players looking for a way into our server.
Hit max pop every day for the last week as well as high pop every day for a m…
@Furyus01 Depending on your region, the sale might appear a bit later. Please be patient :)
@Jason64255108 You saw nothing!
🔥 Good news for all the PS4 players! 🎮
DayZ sale begins today! You have until May 27th to get up to 40% off on the base game and up to 20% on the Livonia DLC❗
@ritchies_10 We are aware of the issues and will hopefully introduce a fix in the upcoming updates.
@TylerJHill3 @scottajones44 Hopefully. We are working on something but cannot share more right now. Please be patient.