@Criizys @brrdie @jschlatt @CallMeCarsonYT Working on it💪
@Amock32952497 @Nick99116781 Is that another suggesion for an achievement? 😅
@TtvShaggy Hey! We are not aware of any existing issues like this. Have you tried switching between in-game chat and party chat? Also check if your mic is set up properly :)
@Aux711: I ought to get attacked more often, Chernogorsk looks quite atmospheric in black & white 私はもっと頻繁に攻撃されるべきです、チェルノゴルスクは白黒でかなり大気に見え…
@Criizys @brrdie @jschlatt @CallMeCarsonYT
@Nick99116781 Thanks Nick, some of these suggestions are awesome! 😈
@The_Sky_Z Hey Sky! We agree. We are currently working on how to make the base building more rewarding in the upcoming updates💪🏰
@TheKoonkle Thanks for the free heart attack😅
@YourMissFitz: Well that's my drawing for the day done 👍🏻pretty f*cking happy with how this came out 😍 a little funko design of @AmishZe…
One of our test servers for PC had its IP changed.
DayZ (Public/Veteran) - Hosted by
Old IP: New IP:
If you had this server on your favorites, you will need add it again.
@BeavProductions No, team is smaller. This was also mentioned in Januarry's blog:
@LejeuneAlexand5 5 mois? It was a 2 month and 2 weeks since 1.07 release.
@AssholeOreo @AdrianR5069 @bohemiainteract Years are miscalculated. DayZ Mod went public in August of 2012, released in 2013. DayZ game entered early access in December of 2013.
In the meantime, we are preparing a bigger statement from @bohemiainteract to address all concerns form circulating articles and Reddit posts.
DayZ development isn't closed.
TLDR: updates all year, with longer gaps between them. Everything is going by the plan published in January:
📢 Welcome to #PostcardZ Week 4! The theme for this week is Livonia. Use the hashtag, post a screenshot that captures the essence of Livonia, and earn the chance to have your image printed on a postcard, and signed by the DayZ Team. Are you ready, Survivor?
📢 The Winner of #PostcardZ Week 3 is @DanceOfJesus1 ! The fog, lighting, composition and the way you captured the beauty of DayZ, earned you the victory. You'll receive this image printed on a postcard, signed by the DayZ team.
Week 4 will be announced later today, stay tuned!
@ProjectTie 💪
@ProjectTie: never thought we’d actually get here guys. 1,000 subs on twitch. f*cking love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@Spaggie: #DayZ is that beautiful moment of loss,, of losing, the feeling of having lost
Desolating & beautiful
It touches you to the…