Time to assemble your crew! Who are you going to be exploring Chernarus with?
@thatboykyletv @ChernarusNew Sorry to hear that :( Did you try changing the servers to some with a lower ping?
@mynameisged Yes. We are aware of it and will fix it.
@ChernarusNew: DayZ is......
For me meeting new people and not knowing which way it will go. Will they be friendly or will they shoot y…
@Latte08404917 @RichardHarings1 @j_dub_a_u @heyitsmefleur The DayZ team is indeed smaller than last year but it's consisting of senior devs who have worked on the game for years. We will be able to deliver updates according to the plan presented in this article: COVID-19 may have slowed us down but not by much.
@j_dub_a_u @heyitsmefleur Yes, we are currently working hard on update 1.0.8 that will introduce new content, bug fixes and other improvements. Once that is done, we start working on update 1.0.9.
@NajDavenport44 @heyitsmefleur Wolves help with social distancing. It is known.
@ForRealzy @HeyItsMeSalty @NZXT @Twitch @teambonein @Arma3official Glad to hear it :) On our end, most of us continue to work on the game from the comfort of our homes. It has its benefits but you get to miss the team at some point🥺
@ForRealzy @HeyItsMeSalty @NZXT @Twitch @teambonein @Arma3official Hey there! What's up?
@HeyItsMeSalty @ForRealzy @NZXT @Twitch @teambonein @Arma3official
@RossAitken9 The time for hints will come, don't worry.
@jinxed_knight @heyitsmefleur Every future update will introduce both bug fixes AND content. Hopefully, you'll be able to forgive us.
@xJGBxDaRkMaN @heyitsmefleur We'll see what we can do 💪
@heyitsmefleur Thank YOU!
My attempt of X-Wing custom Lego mini build #MayThe4thBeWithYou
Here's the runner-up of week 4 of #postcardz ❤️ Thank you @heyitsmefleur
@TrojanFTQ We will share more info as soon as we're ready. For now know that the work on 1.0.8 progresses well despite the current world events.
@RedDawnRP: Hiding in plain sight... @DayZ #MyDayZ
@ryku44 @KxTidyx Good shooting.
#MyDayZ #ScreenshotSaturdayZ